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The next morning you were released from the hospital, much to your dismay. It was the only place that you deemed clean. And you always enjoyed your stays in the hospital, the smell of rubbing alcohol, the sound of plastic medical gloves, everything in the hospital put your mind in ease and you didn't mind the people touching you since they always used hand sanitizer before.

Sighing you left your apartment complex after putting on your uniform and started to head towards school. You tugged up your mask and rubbed your gloved hands.


You turned around to see the familiar green haired boy running towards you. You stopped in your tracks as he finally made his way to you and placed his hands on his knees to ctach his breath.

"Good morning (L/n)-san!" He said.

You nodded in response as started to walk towards school with him walking besides you. He had learned from the day before to wearing gloves and always carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer whenever he was near you. You took notice of it and a small, almost invisible smile tugged up under your mask.

"How was the hospital? Are you feeling better?" He asked.

You shrugged in response and pointed at your forehead then your stomach. They were still bandaged but he couldn't see the one on your stomach because of your uniform.

"Ah I hope you feel better." He said rubbing the back of his head.

There was a moment of silence except for when Midoriya would try to spark up a conversation with you only responding with a shrug or shaking or nodding your head yes or no. He seemed to enjoy your neutral aura and you seemed to enjoy his bubbly presence. Just a bit.

Once you made your way to the classroom, he quickly applied hand sanitizer and opened the door for you.

"I know you don't like touching things so here."

Your heart warmed up a bit before you nodded in gratitude and walked into class. Only a few students were there and a couple went up to you.

"Oh my God! (L/n)-chan I'm so glad you're okay!" Mina said.

"You were so manly! You took down that whole beast by yourself!" Kirishima said with a fist.

"I'm glad you're okay kero." Tsuyu said.

"Tch I could've done a better job." Bakugo said.

The overwhelming amount of people were starting to get to you. So you subconsciously grabbed Midoriyas sleeve tugging it slightly to get his attention which succeeded.

This didn't go unnoticed by the other students.

"Woah! Midoriya you got to make her comfortable around you!" Sero said.

"She doesn't talk to anyone howd you do it?!" Mina said.

"A-ah.. guys give her some space..." Midoriya said as he helped you make your way towards your desk.

You grimaced as you quickly started to clean your desk once again to get rid of the dust and dirt that had been piled up during the 2 days off.

Midoriya started to scoot the other students way from you to give you space and started to explain to the others about giving you space and cleaning before approaching you.

Once finished cleaning you sat down and exhaled. The others, Mina, Kirishima, Sero, and Midoriya slowly started to approach you. They had medical gloves on and the smell of hand sanitizer made its way through your mask up your nose which indicated that they had used it. You looked at them and gestured for them to come a bit closer. They did as told and you took out 3 spare bottles of cleansing alcohol and set it down for them to take.

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