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(NOT SOME OF YALL SIMPIN FOR Y/N AKJSNAKSDJN also I'd like to say that whenever I draw Y/N on my stories I based her off of me cause I use myself for anatomy and look in the mirror to use my face for reference photos so AKJSNKDNS yeah sorry she be lookin like that but ANYWAYS

(Y/n always looks the same so I decided to make some doodles of different expressions so we have more
F L A V O R enjoy )

(Y/n) spent the rest of the day in Recovery girl's office, and although her other classmates wanted to visit her and see if she was okay, Aizawa pushed them away saying that it wasn't a good idea.

"Why can't I see clean freak?!" Bakugo yelled at the teacher who was standing in front of the infirmary door.

"Is she alright?" Midoriya asked.

"We just want to make sure she is okay.." Kirishima said with a small frown.

"Will (Y/n)-chan be okay? What happened today made me worried..." Mina said.

Aizawa crossed his arms in front of his chest and sighed. "She's fine and I think it's better you guys give her some space." He said tugging his scarf.

"Aizawa-sensei... Do you know why she was acting like that?" Midoriya asked.

"It's not my placed to say kid." Aizawa closed his eyes, exhaling from his nose. "She'll tell you when she's ready don't worry about it."

"How could we not worry about it?!" Bakugo growled.

"I know.." Mina said with a sad gaze, "She's always so calm and collected... so quiet in class, yet today she just..."

"....burst..." Kirishima finished, his eyes lowered down to stare at his shoes. Ever since the exams had finished he couldn't stop himself from worrying about her. The look of terror in her eyes and the way that her voice echoed in the exam arena and into his ears was frightening.

Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Look, for the last time she'll be fine, go home, she'll be in class tomorrow."

Before anyone could argue, a figure approached the group infront of the infirmary. A familiar tuft of purple hair walked towards them with a concerned look on his face.

"May I go in?" Shinso said pointing to the door with wide eyes filled with worry. Aizawa hesitated a bit but slowly nodded, moving aside to let the boy in.

"HOW COME THAT DAMN EXTRA CAN GO IN?!" Bakugo yelled as Kirishima held him back from hitting the purple haired male infront of him.

"Dude calm down..." Kirishima said, an familiar yet uncomfortable feeling erupting in his chest, a visible frown on his face as the purple haired male walked in.

Shinso closed the door behind him, blocking the protesting voices outside of the infirmary and quickly approached the girl in her bed. (Y/n) was asleep, her (e/c) gently closed as her hair was sprawled all over the white pillow. Her chest slowly rising and the pale blue mask on her face going up and down as she breathe.

Shinso grabbed a nearby stool and sat down next to her. His beating heart filled with worry started to calm down. He had heard about the news of a 1-A student's outburst during an exam and immediately rushed to find the (H/c) haired girl. Knowing the girl for a long time, it must have taken a lot for the girl to cause a scene like this.

He took a bottle of hand sanitizer and cleansed his hands before gently brushing away strands of hair away from her face. She stirred a bit in her sleep but slowly relaxed. Shinso smiled softly looking at the girl. She looked so peaceful, so relaxed, so calm, and it was rare for her to be in a state of peace just like how she was in front of him.

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