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Over the past week you spent your time training Kirishima who in turn bought you snacks and food for compensation. There wasn't much said between you two but you both sort of enjoyed each other's presence. You balanced out his energetic side while he balanced out with your quiet side. You started to say a few words here and there, whispering into his ear so only he could hear. All in all you considered him one of the closest in the class.

He was patient with you and considerate. Always making sure to clean himself and give you space when needed. He didn't push you out of your comfort zone and as wary of your surrounding. Overall you appreciated his consideration.

"Hey (Y/n) what do you want to eat today?" He asked as the lunch bell rang.

He bent down as your masked face came closer to his ear. Placing a hand over your lips to cover any noise you whispered.

"Takoyaki." In a small quiet voice that only he could here.

"Sounds great! I'll buy you some after training!" He said as you both started to pack your bags.

Everyone had seemed to notice you getting awfully close with Kirishima, and much to their dismay, they couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. Midoriya couldn't help but feel a bit tense. He had known you first and was the first to approach you. Especially in the hospital that you stayed in. He felt as though he had grown closer to you compared to the others, but it seemed as though Kirishima had gotten to you first. He sighed as he went to get ready for lunch.

"Oi! How come you're only talking to Shitty hair here you damn clean freak?" Bakugo yelled approaching you.

You backed away as you started to reach for your bottle of hand sanitizer. But Kirishima blocked him from going to you.

"Hey give her some space, she needs time bro." He said as he put an arm up to block him from moving any further.

"Are you saying I'm not good enough?!" He yelled.

You just shrugged as you took out your bento and started to head out of the classroom to your usual lunch area.

"Hey Kirishima how'd you get her to talk?" Mina asked as the others listened.

"I don't know, I mean I offered to buy her food in exchange for helping me training." He smiled to himself recalling the past couple days you had interacted with one another.

"But it kind of sucks she only talks to you..." Kaminari said. "I wish she would open up more, I wanna see how she looks like without that mask on."

"Me too! I bet she's cute!" Mina said.

"Tch who cares about that damn clean freak, she's scared of a bunch of germs. How pathetic." Bakugo sneered.

"Hey man just give her some time, She'll open up eventually." Kirishima said.

"How come she never eats with anyone?" Uraraka asked.

"Now that you mention it she's never eaten with us at all. She always leaves or declines whenever we ask her to eat with us." Iida said. "Kind of rude."

"I'm sure she has her reasons, but she's a bit suspicious Kero." Tsuyu said.

"Yeah but I wish we could get to know her more..." Midoriya trailed off as he looked at your empty seat. He wanted to know you more, about your quirk, about who you were as a person. He was interested in your secrets and stories.

"She said she doesn't eat in front of people." Kirishima said. "Every time I go and buy her snacks and food we always order to go."

"That's weird." Mina said.

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