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Tsubaka and (y/n) continued to walk down the arena, occasionally running into someone, only for them to cower in fear and run away.

"how do you think the others are doing?" Tsubaka asked the mask girl, walking with his hands behind his head.

"Inasa definitely already passed," (y/n) spoke, taking out a bottle of hand sanitizer and cleansing her hands. "Knowing Seiji he must have gathered quite another of people already, and are waiting for the UA students. And Camie, well............ her assertive personality must've latched itself onto Midoriya." (Y/n)'s shoulders slumped, sighing through her mask.

"Well it seems like there's no one here." Tsubaka said, lookin around, "should we go to one of them?"

"Yeah, but who?" (Y/n) was cut off by another crowd of students that were slowly running up to them.

"Ha! If there's only two of them!" One of them shouted pointing at the duo who looked over their shoulders to face their opponents.

"This will be easy." Another one of the smirked as they all got into position to attack Tsubaka and (y/n).

Tsubaka dropped his shoulders, "this is so bothersome..." he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Its kind of amusing to see them thinking they stand a chance." (Y/n) spoke, taking out something from her pouch. There in both of her hands were two purple rods and 2 purple glass spheres on top of them.

Tsubaka glanced down at her, "you're gonna try out that new move you've been working on with Seiji?" He asked as the ground starting to rumble from the footsteps.

She whipped her arms back as 2 long, glowing purple strings of energy emerged from the now glowing glass spheres. "Yeah, might as well." She looked up to see some of the students in the air, pushing her body down onto the ground getting into position, "besides," she pulled her arms back.

"I needed some text subjects for this new attack." She closed her eyes before snapping them open.

"Drain Extersion

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"Drain Extersion."

Tsubaka smirked at the girl who reeled back her arm, before whipping it forwards as the purple string of energy swirled around their body, a burning feeling coming from her attack as they screamed in pain.

"AAAUUUGHHHHH!" They voiced out, as (y/n) pulled her arm back more causing the string to coil even tighter around heir bodies.

"Aren't you gonna do anything?" (Y/n) asked, giving it one more tug as another scream of pain came out.

"Hai hai." Tsubaka lazily wove his hand, closing his eyes, snapping them open leaving his opponents frozen in place. Then in their frozen state he picked up the orange ball and pressed it against their targets.

"Let's get this over with." (Y/n) stated, pulling her whips back, ready to attack once more.

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