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(I- yall spoil me I swear 😩❤

Please I didnt even notice until someone pointed it out kwbsjejjehd you guysssss 🥺

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Please I didnt even notice until someone pointed it out kwbsjejjehd you guysssss 🥺

(Also since i wasnt able to find the time to draw something for this chapter so instead I'd like to show you guys a drawing I did awhile ago. Its kinda bad but It was one of the first pieces I was genuinely proud of SO UHHH YEAH)

Anyways back to the story


The said girl turned her head to see the bright smile of Kota. She waved her hand to the boy giving him a soft smile as he grinned widely, rushing over to her side with a bento box in his hands.

"I'll give you two some time." Mandalay said as she closed the door behind her.

"Look look I made you cookies!" Kota exclaimed brightly as he held up a small pink bag filled with small chocolate chip cookies. "Don't worry I made sure to sanitize everything before I cooked!"

(Y/n) gave him a warm smile as she pet his head giving, tears welling up her eyes. After everything that just happened, she really needed this, and Kota was giving her the emotional support she needed.

"Thank you so much Kota." She whispered as she caressed his soft cheek.

He gave her a look of worry as he held the hand on her cheek, leaning into her palm. "Please don't cry (y/n)..." he said as his face flushed, tears brimming at the corner of his eyes. "If y-you cry I'll cry..."

(Y/n) shook her head as she sniffed, Kota put his arms around her neck, hugging her as she pat his back rubbing circles, comforting the boy. "Don't worry Kota I'm just happy you're here."

"Really?" He said into her neck.

"Really." She softly chuckled at his childish behavior, it was absolutely adorable.

He pulled himself away, wiping his small tears and giving her a toothy grin, "good because look!"  He pulled out the bento box from the nightstand. "I made you Onigiri!" He exclaimed as he popped open the lid, grabbing one and handing the girl the rice ball. "Eat so you can get better quicker!"

He shoved the rice ball into her mouth as she chuckled softly, taking a bite and softly chewing. The sweet flavor of rice and the savory flavor of tuna in the Onigiri filled her tastebuds as she continued to eat.

"This is really good Kota thank you." She said ruffling his head as he smiled widely at her, taking a Onigiri for himself as thy ate together.

Kota loved her presence, she was calming like a mother, and it brought out his inner child. Ever since she had arrived at the training camp, he was a bit hostile towards her but that little moment they shared, opened his eyes. And even now, he was still taking care of the flower she had revived for him.

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