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It was finally the day of camp and everyone had gathered around in front of the bus to get ready to leave. People were chatting amongst themselves as they excitedly talked about what they were going to do at camp. (Y/n) trailed behind everyone as a purple aura loomed around her.

Recently she had pushed herself to be around others a lot more than usual. It was definitely talking a toll on her as her dark circles were starting to darken. The past couple of days she had went to the mall and the pool, two places that she despised strongly, and were breeding pools for germs and filth. She slouched as she gripped the strap of her bad with her gloved hand. Internally groaning she dragged her feet towards her class.

She was hoping to sit next to Aizawa during the bus ride so that she could avoid talking and coming into contact with people. She was not in the mood, and the exposure to more filth and dirt in this upcoming training camp was definitely not helping her at all.

She trudged over to the bus and slowly started to relax at the thought of taking a small nap on the way there. However her mood was completely ruined by someone walking past her a purposely bumping her shoulder with his.

"Oh its another Class A dumbass."

She turned around and her glare intensified as the blonde haired boy next to her smirked, tormenting her. She was definitely not in the mood, and she internally gagged at the thought of his DISGUSTING germs coming into contact with her clean shoulder.

"Oya? You have nothing to say? Are you that all mighty that you wouldn't dare to talk to someone in class B?" He said leaning down  to her face taunting her.

Her body visibly shook in anger as he laughing at her. "HAHAHA look you can't even talk how are you even in Class A I thought class A was supposed to be superior!"

His laughter caught the attention of others around them, both class B and class A saw the blonde taunting the (h/c)-haired girl in front of him. He walked forward to the other class A students leaving the girl behind as an intense dark red aura surrounded her. She was definitely NOT in the mood to deal with this at all.

"Oya? And some of the Class A students failed the exam? I thought everyone in Class A was better than Class B thats not weird! AHAH-" his laughter was cut off as (y/n) swiftly kicked the back of his knees, causing him to fall down on them. She then walked up right behind him, taking off her glove, activating her quirk and chopping the back of his head, taking his energy just enough to leave him unconscious. She angrily shoved her hand back into her black gloved and roughly grabbed the collar of the blond dragging his body across the cement towards Class B.

She harshly shoved his unconscious body to a silver haired male who stood there and stomping off to her class bus grumbling under her breath and steam emitting from her ears.

'Stupid blonde haired idiot doesn't know how to keep his goddamn mouth shut. How dare he touch me with his disgusting hands.' She viciously started to wiped herself down with an disinfectant wipe as she cursed under her mask storming into the bus to clean her seat.

The rest of class 1-A watched the events that took place as they sweatdropped.

"Sorry about her... She doesn't like being touched.." Kirishima said to Tetsutetsu who was dragging the blonde.

"Don't worry about it... it's his fault technically." Kendo said waving her hand, dismissing the thought as she took Monoma's body into the bus.

"(Y/n)-chan is really scary when she's mad.." Midoriya whispered to Uraraka.

"Yeah she looked really mad.." She whispered back.

"Tch its that damn extras fault anyway, I'm still stronger than her." Bakugo grumbled shoving his hands into his pockets as the students started to make their way into the bus.

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