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(Y/n) slammed her room door closed, her back made contact with the smooth wood as her hand was placed over her chest. Sweat was dripping down her chin as she ripped off her mask, allowing her to breath properly. Her heart felt as if it was about to leap out of her chest, and her legs grew weak as she felt her body slowly slide down to the floor.

"Honey are you okay?" She heard her mother say from say from the other side of her door.

Gulping nervously, she let out a shaky breath "uh yeah I'm fine, just a bit tired..." she managed to say.

"Oh... it sounded like you were troubled but get some rest okay?"

"Yeah I will thanks." She said as she heard the sound of her mother's footsteps slowly starting to fade down the hallway. (Y/n) sighed as she felt her heart slowly starting to go back to its normal speed.

'Stupid stupid stupid!' She mentally screamed at herself, 'that was dangerous what were you thinking?!? What would've happened if you had gotten caught?!' She clenched her jaw as she slapped both of her cheeks with her hands.

But there was one thing that was bothering her still. She wasn't sure about that burgundy haired villain who she assumed was Magne, from Toga who had yelled out her name, but Compress was a villain she was familiar with, especially after the villain attack at the training camp. And she assumed after what she saw and experienced first hand that with a touch of his hand, he would conceal someone inside of a marble.

'Both Compress and Magne were hit by a bullet...' she thought narrowing her gaze as she placed a hand on her chin in thought, 'and both of them couldn't activate their quirks and Compress specially said he couldn't conceal him.'

'But....' she sat up on her chair, 'shigaraki was able to use his quirk on one of Chisaki's men.... but how?'

Placing a hand on her forehead she tried to remember the scenes of the night, seeing if there was one more clue to explain what was different about Shigaraki. Until it hit her like a bus.

Snapping her fingers together her eyes widened 'one of Chisakis men said that they missed a shot, so that was mean... Shigaraki was the missed shot, which is why he was able to use his quirk. But.....how?'

'Did they erase their quirks?' Her eyes widened in fear at the thought, 'no.....there's no way.... those bullets, they must have a quirk erasing property that's the only way that would explain why Compress couldn't conceal Chisaki.'

She slumped her back, placing her elbows on her desk and folding her hands over her mouth, hardening her gaze on the empty desk in front of her.

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