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"Good morning sweetie!"

You groggily opened your eyes to see your mom sitting down on the bed next to you. Slowly lifting you body up in a sitting position you rubbed the drowsiness from your eyes. Giving you a warm smile you placed something in your hands.

"Dad got this from a friend in I-Island. It's a new mask that is more comfortable to wear and made up of special material. It'll protect you more than the usual medical mask you always wear." She said as you looked down at the new piece of fabric you were holding.

It was a dark gray mask that was skin tight and very flexible. It was clean and thin, so that you could breath easily. 'This would go great with my hero costume.' You thought as you tried it on for the first time. 'Woah. Neat.'

"Since you're interning with Endeavor I wanted to get you something that was flameproof since you'll be working with that forehead." Your mother grumbled letting out a scoff. Truthfully your mother was highschool friends with Rei,Todoroki's mother, but they separated after Endeavor has bought her for a quirk marriage. She didn't really like Endeavor, and neither did your father.

Thanking your mother, you went to go get ready for school. You looked down at your bandaged hands that still had the bandages from Bakugo's house. Smiling to yourself you picked up your bag, placed on some black medical gloves and headed to school.

Walking along the road, a voice called out to you.

"Oi! Clean freak!." Turning around you were faced with red eyes that glared at you just a few feet away. Stopping for him to catch up you gave him a nod of acknowledgement.

"Tch, I don't want to me seen near you." He said as he walked passed you. You shrugged as you trailed behind him a couple steps back.

Both of you walking in silence as you took in your surroundings, while you heard the male in front of you grumbling under his breath. "Oi How's the hand?" He asked.

Looking down at your hands you took out a piece of paper and wrote. 'They're doing better thank to you.'

"Don't take it the wrong way, I wasn't helping you." He said as he looked over his shoulder to glare at you. "Also why aren't you talking? You talked yesterday."

Your body tensed as you listened to him. 'I just prefer not to speak.' You wrote. He read the notepad and scoffed turning his head around and continued to walk, until the school gates came into view. Once your classroom was in view, Bakugo walked in first and you came in after. In the corner of your eye you saw Iida looking a bit, distraught.

'Ah.. I remember. His brother was on the news.' You thought to yourself. Slowly you made your way to his desk until you were right in front of him. He looked up from his gaze to see you looking down at him with a blank expression.

"Hello (Y/n)-san how may I help you?" He asked.

Taking out your notepad you wrote a few words then turned it around for him to see. 'I'm doing alright thank you. But are you okay?'

He grimaced, his nose scrunched up a bit after reading the words on the paper. "I'm doing well actually don't worry." He said giving you a small reassuring smile. 'What a liar.' You thought picking up your pencil once more and writing again.

'I won't push you the matter since it is none of my business. But I saw the news of your brother, I send my apologizes to you and your family I hope he is doing well.' His smile faltered reading the words as he lowered his gaze to look down at his desk.

"My brother... He's in the hospital, immobile." He softly whispered under his breath.

'Iida, I hope you are not thinking about doing anything rash.'

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