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A week had passed, and it was now finally the day of the provisional licensing exams in the National Dagoba Arena.

"Ah I'm getting nervous!" Jiro closed her eyes, clutching the straps of her bag as Mineta was shifting from foot to foot in front of her.

"I wonder what we'll have to do...." Mineta sighed nervously, "I wonder if I can get my provisional license."

Aizawa suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of the grape boy, "Mineta, it's not about whether or not you can. Go and get it."

"Right! O-Of c-course!" He tried to give a determined look.

Aizawa stood up from his crouched position, "If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will become chicks and you'll hath into semi-pros. Do your best."

"All right! I'll become a chick!" Kaminari said with a wide smile.

"let's all call out the usual! Ready Set!" Kirishima sai, raising a fist in the air. "Plus......

"ULTRA!" A loud booming voice erupted from behind the class.

"You shouldn't just barge in on other people's huddles, Inasa." Seiji said to Inasa who had a fist in the arm, a fighting smile on his face, happily chanting with the class.

"Oh my bad!" He exclaimed.

"I am...



SORRY!!!" He yelled, slamming his head onto the concrete ground, bowing in front of the UA class.

"What's with this guy trying to get by with just his enthusiasm?!" Kaminari said, pointing a finger at Inasa.

"Wait- that uniform.." Jiro's gaze sharpened at she gaze at the students in front of them.

"Its that famous school in Western Japan...." Kirishima said.

"UA. In the east, Shiketsu in the west..." Bakugo stated.

"I wanted to try saying it just for once! Plus Ultra!" Inasa exclaimed happily. "I love UA High school! I am extremely honored to be able to compete against UA students! I'm looking forward to it!" He said as blood started to flow down his forehead.

"Ah, blood." Camie said, tilting her head to look at the grinning male.

"It's okay I like blood!" Inasa gave a big smile.

"Let's go." Seiji said.

"Yoarashi Inasa...." Aizawa stated.

"Aizawa, you know him?" Hagakure asked.

"Yeah, he's strong." Aizawa said. "last year the same year as you guys, Yoarashi got the top scores of those admitted through commendations, but for some reason he turned down his acceptance."

"What?! then he's a first year like us?" Midoriya asked. 'And if he was the top of those with recommendations..... then this abilities are above Todoroki's?!' He thought to himself. 'Yoarashi Inasa, from Shiketsu Highschool... how are we going to beat someone like him.' Midoriya had a look of defeat on his feet as he gazed down at the ground, 'if (y/n)-chan was here.... I'm sure she could beat him with no problem.'

"Even though he says he loves UA he tether away his chances to enroll. I don't get it." Sero questioned as the rest of the class gazed at them only for them to return back in front fo the group

"Ah wait, Seiji we're missing 2 people." Camie said, pulling back the purple haired male back into the group that were still waiting.

"Oh those two." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "What's taking them so long......"

"You know them, they're probably cleaning the entire bus." Camie said, "oh we can ask them to clean Inasa's wound. It's bleeding quite a lot."

"I'm okay!" Inasa roared in laughter.

"Inasa don't be stupid, you're wound will get infected and she'll be on your back for a week." Seiji sighed.

"I guess we're gonna have to wait here for them." Camie sighed, crossing her arms infront of her chest.

"Missing people?" Todoroki whispered to himself. Was he going to make more competition? Were these new people going to beat him, and prevent him from getting his hero license.

"I wonder who the new students will be." Kaminari spoke.

"I bet they have some manly quirks!" Kirishima responded.

"And their uniforms..." Mineta drooled at the sight of Camie who gave him a disgusted look.

"Ahhhh I wonder when cutie will come." Camie gushed.

"What the heck are those idiots doing." Seiji grumbled.

"Oh wait here they come!" Inasa exclaimed waving his hand around.

Class 1-A turned their heads over to see who they new students were, anticipation erupting inside their entire bodies as they looked intently. But what they saw was not at all what they expected, their mouths agape, wide eyes, and broken hearts.

There stood a tall male with strange markings on his face walking towards them

But that's not what caught their attention,

In his arms was that oh so familiar masked girl. Their former classmate.


He's the clingy type, and I kinda based his personality off of Murasakibara from knb but like not always hungry all the time LOL. And (y/n) doesn't mind his clinginess because he's a germaphobe as well so she knows he's clean.

And well Tsubaka looks up to her a lot, and also because she's a germaphobe LOL, he watched her in the sports festival and when Inasa talked at her to him, he was interested.

He gets jealous easily which is come up soon.

and yes he is a love interest 😩🤚 for all you Tsubaka simps.

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