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(Someone suggested a villain version of (y/n) @-SUNFL0WERS so here's your daily meal you SIMPS LOL)

(Also I'd like to say that whatever I draw isn't the official (Y/n) of this story, again (y/n) is you, this (y/n) that I draw is just my version of (y/n) but you guys seem to like her a lot so I'm grateful :)  You can change (y/n) to fit yourself cause again this story is a reader insert so YEAH I JUST WANTED TO SAY i started to draw her more since you guys seemed to like her a lot)

The door bell rang and the two in the kitchen were frozen as the sound of the bell echoed in the empty house. Kirishima grit his teeth as his moment with the (H/c) girl was ruined.

"(Y/n)-chan are you home?" A familiar voice called out from the opposite side of the door.

(Y/n) turned to move her body to move towards the door to open it but she someone was stopping her from moving. She turned her head to see Kirishima tightly grasping her hand that was intertwined with his. Her heart skipped a beat and Kirishima gazed at her with desperate eyes.

"I-...." his face grimaced as he gave her had a slight squeeze, savoring the warm feeling that her hand was emitting. "Never mind you should get the door..." he gave her a nervous smile, before hesitantly letting go of her hand.

She gazed at him for a few seconds before rubbing her bandaged hand on her shirt and walking towards the door to open it.

"(Y/n)-chan!" The said girl opened the door slightly to see a tuft of green hair. "You are home that's great!" Midoriya said giving her a nervous smile. She quirked an eyebrow before she looked behind him to see a few of her classmates.

"Who's at the door?" Kirishima asked as he slowly made his way to see his classmates.

"Oh! Kirishima is here too?" Mina asked with a small smirk, eyeing the two down while Kirishima's face flushed a bright red.

"Oi! Why is shitty hair at your house clean freak!" Bakugo growled at the two, his arms crossed in front of his chest, glaring.

"I-I just wanted to check up on her S-since that's the manly thing to d-do!" Kirishima nervously stated as he raised a fist in the air.

"And you didn't invite usss~!" Denki whined as he made his way towards the front door the the girl's house.

'Oh dear god I'm going to kill someone,' (y/n) thought as panic started to arise from her chest.

"A-anyways! (Y/n)-chan w-we were gonna g-g-go to the mall as a c-class to shop for the t-training camp!" Midoriya stuttered.

"And we wanted to see if you would like to join us!" Uraraka beamed with a wide smile.

(Y/n) deadpanned, all she wanted to do was relax at home on a weekend. She wasn't in the emotional state to go out and have fun with her friends, especially after what happened yesterday with the practical exam, she didn't feel safe going out all recklessly. She sighed but it was cut off by a series of coughs, as she pat her chest to get out the dry air.

"Oh no are you sick (Y/n)?" Hagakure asked as her invisible form made its way to the girl, only to be stopped by her bandaged hand to keep her distance.

"Oh right sorry I forget about your germaphobia." She said giving her, literally, an invisible smile.

(Y/n) waved it off as she slouched a bit, rubbing her temples with her fingers as she screwed her eyes shut. ON one hand she could stay home and harshly reject their offer, but on the OTHER hand it would risk her feeling guilty, and she did need a few things for the training camp anyways. But the thought of going out in public after her mask was ripped of, gave her the chills.

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