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(Also I genuinely love reading your comments they are funny. Like sometimes I'm just in my room at like 3 am laughing to myself while reading your comments. )

(Y/n) was laying down on the hospital bed as she blankly stared out the window. The sky blue sky was calming as the white fluffy clouds calmly floated in the sky. But there was no smile on the girl, her puffy red eyes and cheeks stained from the countless tears she shed. She thickly gulped and winced at the harsh burning pain in her throat.

Sighing she sat up, rubbing her bandaged neck as she moved her hand to get a glass of water from her nightstand, slowly gulping down as the cool liquid calmed down the burning sensation in her throat.

After years of silence, she really did a number on her vocal cords, maybe if she was lucky enough she wouldn't have to talk to anyone anymore. That didn't sound too bad, since everyone around her just seems like a nosy liar.

She laid back down on the bed, slowly feeling the pain in her stomach as she closed her eyes, exhaling from her nose trying to steady her breathing. Her doctor said if she has another outburst, the consequences would be detrimental, so for now she needed to calm herself down.

The door to her room slowly opened and closed softly as someone walked in. Slightly irritated she moved to lay on her side to face away from the person, hoping that whoever it was was going to leave.

The person sat down on a stool next to her, looking at the (h/c) haired girl who was in a fetal position on the bed, debating on what to do next. Nervously, he lifted a hand and placed it on her shoulders, only for it to be tightly grabbed by the girl. She turned around to glare at the person, only for her eyes to widen in surprise, slowly loosening her grip around his wrist.

"Hitoshi....." she breath out as the purple haired male softly smiled at her.

"Yeah..... its me..." he whispered.

"Hi..." her breath hitched. Out of everyone she had encountered in her life, Shinso was always there, he never once lied to her, when she broke down at the sports festival, he was there, when she was bullied by her classmates in grade school, he was there protecting her, when she first got the scars, he was there to comfort her. No matter how quiet she was, no matter how much she pushed him away. He was there. Those nights she spent, waiting for Touya at the park, he was there to take her home.

He has, and always was there.

Something in her heart broke as she burst into tears, rubbing her eyes harshly to get rid of her tears as her eyes screw shut.

"Hi-Hitoshi..." she hiccuped as Shinso's eyes widened at the sight of his childhood friend breaking down in front of him. He grabbed her arms and embraced the poor girl. A hand on her head, gently patting her head while the other was wrapped around her waist, her hands clenching the clothing on his chest as her tears stained his shirt. She cried out his name as she buried her face into his shirt while Shinso's eyes brimmed with tears of his own.

His heart broke at the sight of her broken eyes. He couldn't do anything but embrace the girl in front of him as he himself tried not to cry.

"It's going to be okay (y/n)...." his voice broke as her cries echoed into his ear. "It's.. it's going to be okay I promise..." he gripped the back of her head tightly, pushing her close to him as he buried his face into her shoulder, his own tears wetting her hospital gown.

"H...Hitoshi..." she whispered out as she inhaled his scent, finding comfort in his presence.

Shinso, slowly pulled away as he placed cupped both of her cheeks in his hands, wiping away the tears on her face as he looked at her distraught face.

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