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(Someone requested (y/n) is a onesie so I decided to throw in Kota in the doodle as well. ITS KINDA MESSY IM SORRY BUT YEAH-

(Also I really do be spoiling you guys with 3 updates in one day 😩 BUT I LOVE YOU MY CHILDREN SO EAT WELL)

The second day of training finally came as everyone went into their respective areas to continue improving their quirks. (Y/n) once again decided to train by herself instead of staying with the group, still cautious around them ever since the practical exam incident.

Recently a lot had flooded her mind, the practical exam, and the constant reminder that she had to, at some point, tell her friends, and uncover her mask. But she wasn't ready, perhaps she could wait under year, wait until the end of school when they graduate, perhaps she could be known as the masked hero.

Her anxiety went up the roof as she continued her quirk training, but she was not in the best mental state, so every time she tried to mold her energy into a weapon it would wobble an disappear.

'Damn it!' She cursed under her breath as another ball of energy had once again, disappeared in her hands. She exhaled deeply out of her nose and she tugged up her mask once more. Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried once more, trying to mold the ball of energy into a knife, only for it to wobble and disintegrate into thing air.

She was getting angry, frustrated, she gripped her hair with a free hand as she screwed her eyes shut. Why was everyone being so pushy lately, that conversation she had with Aizawa last night didn't help either as her anxiety heightened.

'Let's try once again.' She exhaled calm out of her mouth as she formed a purple ball of energy onto the palm of her hand, once again trying to mold it gently. It wobbled as (y/n) held her breath, trying to calm down her shaky hands that started to bleed once more.

But it was no use. Her mind and heart weren't in the same place as it disappeared infront of her eyes once more as the blood from her split finger tips dripped down onto the ground. (Y/n) grumbled under her breath as she walked out of her training area towards her teacher. She motioned to him, showing him her hand to which he sighed and nodded, allowing her to tend to her wound.

Going back into the lodging area, she rummaged through her bag to take out a disinfectant bottle, cotton balls, some paper towels, and the roll of bandage.

She sat down at the bottom of the stairs as she watched her fellow classmates sparing one another and releasing their flashy quirks. Dabbing the cotton ball in some disinfectant, she softly cleaned her hands while a paper towel captures the dripping blood. It wasn't a major drawback but damn did it hurt like a bitch.

She winced at the touch until she saw two shoes stop infront of her. She looked up from her hand to see the smiling face of Kota who looked down at her with a first aid kit in his hand.

"I saw that you went back in," he said as he took the cotton ball from her hands and started to clean her wounds. "You should be more careful."

(Y/n) smiled warmly at the boy under her mask as she shyly nodded, like a child tending to his mother's wound, playfully scolding her.

He took the roll of bandages from her hand and started to wrap her fingers gently as the white material slowly stained red.

"Make sure to change them every now and then okay?" He said as he finished one hand and went to the other, doing the same process, while (y/n) nodded.

But before Kota could bandage her other hand she took it from him, an idea making its way into her mind as she started to form a ball of energy, making a dagger in her palm. Kota's eyes widened in surprise as he say the small purple, glowing dagger hovering over (y/n)'s hand. She grabbed it by the handle, gently placing it in the Boy's hand, careful so that he didn't touch the sharp parts and held the stub.

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