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And there is going to be a big turn in the story. )

"I-..... uh...." (Y/n) gulped nervously, feeling her legs grow weak, taking a step back as Hotaro gave her a weird look.

"Naoki who's this?" The masked figure said pointing at (y/n) who straightened her back and kept her posture.

"Oh this is my school friend (y/n)," Hotaro said gesturing a hand towards the (h/c) haired girl who slightly bowed.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Chisaki Kai."

"(L/n) (y/n), I believe we've met before." Her heart thumping out of her chest as the male in front of her quirked an eyebrow.

"We have? I don't recall seeing you before."

"Oh I bumped into your daughter Eri near that pharmacy awhile ago."

Chisaki placed a hand on his chin, taking a moment to think before his eyes widened slightly in realization, "oh right I remember, sorry about her she gets lost sometimes."

"Eri?" Hotaro asked, looking up at Chisaki, "who's Eri?"

"Naoki it's been awhile since we met, but I have a daughter now." Chisaki said, slightly eyeing (y/n) suspiciously. "But I'm glad you're here we're you able to bring the extra pack of masks and bandages?"

"Oh yeah." Hotaro said, rummaging through his duffle bag to take out a plastic bag, "grandpa said to bring you these." He then turned to (y/n) his eyes slightly lighting up, "you know she's also a germaphobe like you."

"Oh really?" Chisaki said, looking at (y/n) up and down, trying to see if there were any signs of anything off about her. But thankfully (y/n)'s natural stoic behavior was able to cover up her nervousness. "I see, well it's good to finally see another who can keep themselves clean."

(Y/n) nodded in response, gulping nervously she opened her mouth, "uh if it isn't a bother, would it be okay if I saw Eri?"

Chisaki's eyes slightly narrowed, "and why would you want to do that?"

"Ah well, I promised her I would see her again, and I never break my promises." (Y/n) said, biting the inside of her cheek, "besides I don't have the heart to turn down a little kid."

"Oh that sounds like a good idea, and I'd like to meet my new cousin then," Hotaro said, (y/n) internally thanked him for not making it as awkward.

Chisaki glaring slightly at the (h/c) haired girl then looked now at his nephew, closing his eyes he sighed, "alright, I'll let you see her, but." His voice grew cold as his lifeless eyes stared into her (e/c) ones, "there are certain things I need you to do in order for you to meet her. You may visit her every other day at 4 pm, but you only have an hour and you will only go in the areas that I allow you to go to. She is not here with me right now, so come back next week."

(Y/n) internally cheered at her victory, not only was she going to see Eri but she might be able to access some inside information if she was careful enough. With her blank eyes she looked up at Hotaro, silently thanking him for bringing her here.

"That sounds great." (Y/n) said, "we'll come next week on Wednesday."

Chisaki grunted in response, "Alright, I have my things you both my leave now." He said placing a hand on the door knob and roughly pulling it shut, leaving the two teenagers to awkwardly stand in front of the door.

"I never thought I'd have a cousin.." Hotaro muttered, placing a hand on his chin.

"Congratulations I guess." (Y/n) said, starting to walk towards the direction of her house.

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