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Dabi's eyes widened at the sight of the girl in front of him.

"(Y/n)...." he breath out as his hands gripped tightly on her shoulders, the girl visibly winced but still held her wide eyes, staring deep into his blue ones.

Tears flowed down her eyes, wetting the pale blue mask that she was wearing as the tall male gazed down at her mask covered face, memories rushing through his mind as he clenched his jaw.

She hesitantly took a step back but was held in place as Dabi's hands gripped the clothing on her shoulders. (Y/n) heart beat quickened, she felt absolutely sick to her stomach as something seemed to make its way up her throat.

"I..." he was cut off by varies screams as the two turned around to see Midoriya, Todoroki and Shoji riding on a masked man charging towards them.

"(Y/n)!!!!" They yelled out towards the (H/c) haired girl as they charged towards them.

Dabi scoffed as he pulled the girl towards his chest, protecting her from the impact, "Mister get out of the way!" He yelled as the masked figured flowed turquoise and shaped into a marble. Dabi raised a hand as beautiful blue waves of fire were launched towards the 3 students.

(Y/n) clenched her eyes, trying to stop her shivering body as she felt the harsh warmth of the blue fire, subconsciously flinched as she opened one eye to see her classmates safe, dodging the attack.

"Give us (Y/n)!" Midoriya's voice echoed in the forest.

"Compress!" Dabi yelled towards the masked villain who smiled and appeared behind the (H/c) haired girl.

"I'm sorry." He whispered in her ear as compress used his quirk, turning her into a small beautiful teal marble.

Her vision darkened and she soon felt her body become immobile as her eyes completely closed, feeling her body shut down as she turned into a marble. Dabi picked it up and gently caressed it, holding it tightly in his hands.

'I'm sorry (Y/n)...'

"Where's Bakugo?" Dabi asked the masked figure who opened his mouth with 2 marbles on his tongue. A blonde girl with 2 spaced buns and a masked man appeared out of the forest.

"GIVE THEM BACK!" Todoroki's voiced boomed as he attacked the scarred man who protected himself with his blue flames.

Twice sent an attack towards Todoroki who shot out ice towards the man. "It's time to run!" Shoji yelled. "Now, Now I'm for sure that your quirk, from the way that you're presenting it, those marbles that you're holding.... those are Tokoyami, Bakugo, and (L/n) right?" Shoji stated.

"We're done here." Todoroki stated as he started to run off until a swirl of black and dark purple appeared infront of them, as the villains jumped in one by one.

"yes! It appears that you're pleased with yourself as you want to come and run. Let me give you a little reward!" Mr. compress said with a smirk as he jumped in front of the black portal, placing a hand on his black top hat. "It's a bad habit, but one of the tenets of magic includes that we flaunt a particular object." He placed a hand on his mask, removing it from his face to reveal two teal marbles on his tongue. "Is also part of the trick!" He gleamed placing the mask back on his face.

Dabi tossed (y/n)'s marble to Mr. compress as he placed the teal orb onto his mouth, as a smirk formed on his face.

"I've prepared decoys for you to fight this entire time."He continued.

"My ice attack!" Todoroki yelled out as he, Midoriya and Shoji ran towards them.

Mr. compress continued taunting them until a beam of sparkling blue appeared out of the bushes from Aoyama hitting Mr. compress in the stomach as he marbles rolled out of his mouth.

Shoji and Todoroki took this chance and jumped to grab a marble, Shoji successfully grabbed one while Todoroki dove to grab the other two but they were grasped by Mr. compress and Dabi, who smirked at the boy's wide eyes, he had failed to save them.

"That's sad....." Dabi said holding the marble in his hand smirking at Todoroki who crashed down at the ground. "Todoroki.... Shoto...."

"Release." Dabi said.

"Tch my show has been ruined." Compress said snapping a finger to have Tokoyami appear in the air as he crashed down on Shoji.

Todoroki watched as Bakugo and (Y/n) appeared in front of him. Mr. compress holding Bakugo by the neck. The ash blonde was unable to move as he grit his teeth while the hand on his neck gripped harder, pulling him into him into the portal.

(Y/n), fully unconscious, her back facing the red and white haired male, being held by Dabi, as he stared at the dual haired boy who struggled to get up running towards the two, hoping to at least get (Y/n).

The dark portal was slowly consuming their figures as Dabi's grip tightened around the girl.

"No problem." He whispered as his body and her's were completely consumed by the portal.

"KACCHAN! (Y/N)-CHAN!!!" Midoriya yelled as he ran towards the portal, only to crash down at the ground as the mist of black and dark purple disappeared in front of him.

The forest was ablaze. The sky filled with bright blue flames as smoke arose from to the top. The 4 students, Shoji, Midoriya, Tokoyami, and Todoroki collapsed on their knees.

Todoroki grit his teeth as he punched the ground with his fist. The scene replayed in his mind as the masked girl who he cherished was limping hanging in another man's arms, and he couldn't do anything about it. If he had just been faster, he could have saved her.

"Kacchan... (Y/n)-chan..." Midoriya cried out as tears flowed down his face. Guilt welled up in Midoriya's chest. If only he had stopped her when she ran towards the fire, if only he had grabbed her hand and ran towards the lodge cabins. If only he had done anything but let her go into the forest alone.

She would be safe, away from the villains.

But no this was his fault, his fault for allowing the girl to run towards danger, allowing her to get captured by the villains. He could've done something, but instead he just watched her run off.

His cries echoed in the forest as his heart shattered.

The villains had won that day.......

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