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"Thanks for cleaning my room (y/n)!" Momo said, happily escorting got girl to the hall.

(Y/n) waved her hand in the air, dismissing it, "no it's fine don't worry about it," (y/n) said giving her a closed eyes smile under her mask.

"It's really nice to have you here with us again."

"Yeah..." (y/n) said, sheepishly scratching her cheek, "I hope this internship goes well."

"I'm sorry that you failed the exam, but I know you'll pass with flying colors in the retake!" Momo encouraged her.

(Y/n) softly smiled, "thanks Momo, you always were my favorite."

Momo's face tinted red at her compliment, "Of course (Y/n) I'm always here for you."

"Anyways I should probably go to the last room, it's late and I haven't even touched my own room. I'll see you later then." (Y/n) said, picking up her basket of cleaning supplies and heading down the hall.

"You too (y/n)!" She heard Momo exclaim from behind her.

'Well the last room......' (y/n) thought to herself, standing in front of the room, 'oh it's Midoriya's' she thought, knocking on the door.

"Coming!" She heard a crash, followed by a thud, then a rush of footsteps making its way to the door as it swung open, revealing the familiar tuft of green hair.

"O-Oh! (Y/n)-chan?" He said, gulping nervously as he felt his face grow hot.

"Yo." She said, holding up her basket, "I'm here to clean your room." She said.

"O-oh r-right!" Midoriya stuttered, moving to the side, allowing her to walk in.

'A girl is in my room!!' He mentally screamed.

As soon as (y/n) stepped into his room, she was hit with the bright posters of All might, not just posters, figurines, cards, books, literally if she were to describe his room, it would be an all might merch store. She sweatdropped at the sight, taking it in for a few seconds, still in utter belief.

Midoriya noticed her being a bit more quiet that usually as he nervously rubbed the back of his head, "sorry about my room....."

(Y/n) rose a hand, "no no it's fine, we all have our..... preferences..." she muttered, bending down to drop her basket as she took out a broom to start sweeping the floor.

"A-ah! Let me help you!" Midoriya said, going to pick up a disinfectant wipe.

(Y/n) shrugged, "if you insist, I'm just doing this because I want to, you don't have to."

"N-no it's okay it's my room anyways."

(Y/n) shrugged as she continued to sweep up the dust, pausing every few minutes to wipe the beads of sweat from her forehead before going back to cleaning. Midoriya took a box of wipes as he wiped down his figurines, desk, chair, walls, etc. He stole a few glances at the (h/c) haired girl who would sigh deeply before going back to cleaning once more. He noticed the bags under her eyes and the way they started to drop from exhaustion.

'She must've spent this entire day cleaning.. no wonder she's so tired..' he thought to himself, feeling a bit sorry for the girl.

"So I heard you plan interning with Sir Nighteye." He tensed up at the sound of her voice as he fumbled with the wipe he hand in his hand.

"U-uh y-yeah I am....." he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, "Mirio-senpai recommended me to intern with him.... I'm hoping I can get it.."

(Y/n) hummed in response, "you know to be honest, I don't think you'll get in."

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