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(I tried to look like (y/n) again 🤪)

"I won't hesitate to kill you all myself."

Toga shivered at the thought, going back to get some more points, another ball hitting her target

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Toga shivered at the thought, going back to get some more points, another ball hitting her target.

"Mah mah~ (y/n)-chan sure is interesting..." she thought to herself, a crazed look on her face. "Ahhhh I still wanna see how she looks like without her mask."

"I can't wait to tell Dabi about this."

The first half of the provisional exam had ended as everyone who had passed the first test were in the waiting room, talking around, getting refreshments, and conversations were blooming between each of the schools.

"(Y/n)! Tsubaka! You made it!" Inasa waved over to the two who had just walked through the doors. Running up to them he swung an arm around both of their shoulders. "Man I thought you guys would finish earlier like me!"

"Inasa you know that we don't have a quirk like yours," Tsubaka chuckled, then his face turned strained, "and stop putting your arm around us you're sweaty!" He exclaimed, trying to pry his arm off while Inasa laughed, pulling him closer.

But (y/n) had been oddly quiet, too quiet. Of course she was known for having little words, but this was too much. And this didn't go unnoticed by her two classmates.

(Y/n) removed herself from Inasa's arm, "I'm going to the bathroom." She spoke, her voice was empty and her eyes were glued to the ground.

"Wait (y/-" Inasa was cut off by Tsubaka putting a hand infront of him, stopping him from going any further. Tsubaka looked at the girl who had left the room.

"She needs some space." Tsubaka stated.

"Did.... did something happen?" Inasa's voice was filled with worry, until it hardened to a glare, "did one of those UA students do something to them?" He growled under his breath, his hat shadowing his eyes.

Tsubaka shook his head, "no don't worry about it. Just give her some space, she'll come around."

Before (y/n) left the room, she glanced over to Camie who was waving over to Midoriya. Toga's eyes met her (e/c) colored ones that quickly turned into a glare. She slammed the doors behind her as she stomped over to the bathroom. Swinging open the door she roughly washed her hands underneath the color water, the clear liquid splattered all over the mirror. She continued to glare down at her hands, rubbing them harshly back and forth.

Her fingertips started to redden, and small scratched appeared on her palms, but it didn't stop her.

'Dirty, Dirty, Dirty, Dirty." She kept chanting in her head, trying to erase the feeling of Toga from her hands, the mere thought of her germs disgusted her.

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