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"Oh you're awake."

(Y/n) turned around to see a familiar ash blonde that was standing at her room door. Giving him a quick nod in response, he muttered under his breath and closed the door behind him.

"Idiot you didn't hav to jump in front of that half and half bastard he could've taken care of himself." He grumbled under his breath as he roughly took a stool beside the bed and sat down, a white plastic bag in his hand.

The girl tilted her head in confusion looking at the bag in his hand. Bakugo looked away before shoving the bag to her, a small tint of blush gently brushed across his cheek.

"Shitty hair told me you like (favorite snack), and they had a sale at the store on the way here." He said glaring at the ground, shoving his hands in his pockets to hide is embarrassment.

(Y/n) took the bag and opened it to look at the contents within, inside was indeed her (favorite snack) along with a box of medical masks, medical tape, and a bottle of hand sanitizer. On top of the box of masks was a small sticky note.

Get better so I can beat you and be number one clean freak

(Y/n) let out a low chuckle as she placed the bag to the side of the bed and taking out a notepad from the hospital night stand.

"Don't laugh at me!." Bakugo snarled as he watched the girl write. "I didn't do it for you, I need you in top condition if I wanna beat you."

'Thank you I really appreciate it.' She wrote down.

"Tch" he said as he looked away avoiding the (H/c) girl's gaze. Her bright (e/c) eyes shined from the sunlight, but that was all that was shone, the rest was covered up with a pale blue medical mask. He internally grumbled, slightly wishing to see more of her face, to take off the mask and see who (y/n) really was, and how she looked like. But he knew better, and he wasn't going to make the same mistake Todoroki made.

Bakugo slide a notebook on her bed towards her. She looked at it with interest, wondering what it was until he spoke. "Stupid Deku wanted me to send you his class notes, since we have an exam coming up. We have a summer training camp after, make sure to pass it so I can beat you."

Despite his harsh words, he meant what he said. He was actually looking forward the the training camp, and spending time with the girl. Bakugo looked up to her, her calm demeanor, her aloof personality, the way that she could stay so calm, regardless of what type of situation she was placed in. Even at the Sports festival, even though he was beat, he admired her for giving him her all during their fight. But that didn't stop him from trying his best to be the number one hero he aimed to be.

He was cut out of his thoughts when he heard the door slide open. Bakugo and (Y/n) turned to see a familiar tuft of red and white.

"Bakugo." Todoroki breath out as he walked into the room looking at the two infront of him.

"Tch what are YOU doing here icy hot." Bakugo sneered.

"I came to see (L/n)." Todoroki replied as he sat on the opposite side of the bed, facing Bakugo. He turned his head facing the (H/c) haired girl.

"How are you feeling (L/n). I'm glad to see you're awake." Todoroki said as his eyes softened.

'I'm alright.' She wrote down 'you both didn't have to come.'

"Tch I just happened to walk by." Bakugo muttered.

"I wanted to thank you.. for jumping in front of me." Todoroki said giving her a small smile before it turned into a frown. Bakugo glared daggers at the male sitting opposite from him.

"It was dangerous though please don't so that again." Todorki said sternly.

The girl nodded in response as Todorokis frown softened up into a smile. The two boys got up from their seats bidding good bye to the girl and Todoroki closed the door, turning around only to be met with a pair of bright red eyes glaring harshly at him.

"You didn't protect her." Bakugo said harshly "now look, she was in a sleep induced coma for 5 days with a pierced lung!"

"It was a spur in the moment." Todoroki returned the glare. "It couldn't control what happened. It I had known I would've done whatever I can to protect her."

"Well you didnt!" Bakugo snapped back raising a fist to grab the collar of the dual haired Boys shirt.

"The situation was out of control, and before I knew it, she passed the limit of her quirk and collapsed." Todorki said glaring a bit harsher. "I didn't know what to do, you wouldn't have known either if you were there.

Bakugo let go of Todorokis collar then slammed a fist on the wall next to his head. Turning around he went to walk away, stopping for a moment before looking back.

"You're right I wouldn't know." He said then turning his head back to face what was infront of him, shoving his hands in his pockets. "But I would've done what ever it took to keep her out of harms way."

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