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(I accidently published chapter 15 without knowing so I apologize for such a short chapter. I had more planned out for it but I guess it'll just be in this one. ALSO YALL GOT ME DEAD WITH THEM COMMENTA IN CHAPTER 3😭🤚 POOR IZUKU.)

(I also wanted to say that I deleted my old haikyuu story and im planning on making a new one. I deeply apologize for those of you that read it but I lost motivation to keep going. I hope you understand. Thank you for reading my books I woke up to a bunch of notifications and it made my heart swell. :)

Anyways back to the story.

You were able to return back to school the next day seeing that your body regained its energy after collapsing from exhaustion from the fight with stain. Your lung was healed through Recovery girl, but you still had white bandage wrapped around you Torso, as it burned to breath.

Sighing you walked into class a bit late since Recovery girl wanted to replace your bandages once more before you went to class. You were greeted with Aizawa who passed you a mid term test.

'Way to great someone.' You thought as you sprayed the paper a bit and took a seat, looking over the test infront of you.

'Doesn't look that hard,' you thought to yourself as you took out a pencil and filled out the answer sheet.

About an hour passed and the tests were finished, you were confident in your work as the rest of the students watched in anticipation while Aizawa graded the tests and handed them back to you.

Yours was the last one to be graded since you had arrived a bit late. You took the paper from Aizawa who gave you a small smile.

"Good job (L/n) as expected from you." He said as you sprayed the paper with cleansing alcohol and took the paper in your hand.

"What'd you get (Y/n)-chan?" Mina asked as she walked up to you.

You showed her the paper, 100% 1st out of everyone in class. She widened her eyes as she looked at your paper while you looked back with a blank expression.

"Woah! (Y/n)-chan you got first!" Kaminari said as he and the rest of the group started to walk towards you.

"No wonder." Momo said looking down at her paper, "I was wondering who's as first." She said as she gave you a smile.

"That's so manly!" Kirishima said as he raised a fist.

"You must be really smart (Y/n)-chan!" Hagakure said as her uniform floated near you, you looked at the group infront of you and shrugged.

"To be honest I wasn't expecting this, you don't seem like the type to study Kero." Tsuyu said as she placed a finger on her chin. You took out a small notepad that you started to keep in your blazer pocket.

'I'm lazy not stupid.' You wrote down.

"Ne ne" Mina said as her and Kaminari started to creep towards you, you backed away a bit slightly panicking in the inside.

"PLEASE HELP US STUDY SO WE CAN GO TO SUMMER TRAINING CAMP!" They both yelled as they bent down on their knees to you. You started to panic a bit stepping back looking down at them pleading to you.

"Tch I bet that damn clean freak can't even study herself." Bakugo grumbled looking down at his paper. He had gotten a pretty decent score, but he needed to be better if he wanted to be number 1.

"Hey Bakubro can you help me study?" Kirishima asked the ash blonde haired boy.

"Tch as if I'd help you Shittyhair!" He said glaring at the red haired boy.

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