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Shinso made his way towards you and grabbed your hand which made you flinch but you obliged. As you were about to be dragged out of the classroom another hand grabbed your opposite one. You looked up to see a ash blonde glaring at your childhood friend.

"What are you doing you damn extra?!" Bakugo yelled.

You internally flinched as this, panicking because you were being touched by someone else who was not sanitized. Thankfully you had your gloves on but that still was bad enough.

"Let go." Shinso said glaring back.

Bakugo growled as he tugged you back behind him. You gave Shinso a sympathetic look and gave him a nod which signaled that you would talk to him later, but he didn't notice.

"Oi! Get out of here you damn extra, you're not even in the hero course!" Bakugo yelled.

"Tch." Shinso snarled back. "All of you in Class 1-A are all the same snobby prick thinking that they're better than everyone. I'll talk to you late (Y/n)" Shinso said before looking at you once last time and turning around to leave the room.

You sighed in relief thankful that there wasn't a fight but as soon as you calm down you ripped your hand away from Bakugo and started to take out hand sanitizer and cleansing alcohol. Cleaning yourself with the best of your ability.

"HEY ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY I'M DIRTY?!?!?" He yelled raising aa fist to you, "I'LL KILL YOU!"

"Woah woah man calm down." Kirishima said moving in between you guys.

You frantically spayed yourself with rubbing alcohol and shivered. Quickly you took off the medical gloves, throwing them in a near by trash can and replacing them with new ones. You felt a gloved hand on your shoulder.

"Are you okay (Y/n)-san?" You turned around to see Midoriya and you slowly nodded.

"Did you know that guy?" Kaminari asked pointing a thumb at the door.

You looked back down at your hands and sighed before nodding your head. Taking out a notepad you wrote, 'He's a friend.' You just shrugged as you bent down to grab the book bag that you dropped.

"Woah how do you know each other?" Zero asked.

'Childhood.' You wrote.

"Tch, who cares about him he's just another damn extra, he's not even in the Hero course." Bakugo said as he walked out of the classroom.

"D-do you c-consider us as friends? (Y/n)-san?" Midoriya asked as the others waited for a response.

They weren't dumb, they noticed that you weren't exactly the friendliest, but the small interactions that they had with you were nice. You only spoke when spoken to and even then they were just mere yes or no questions.

You thought about it. 'Are we really friends?' If anything you were just acquaintances, but seeing them be so considerate with your germaphobia, kind of made you feel welcomed. People would always judge you for the way you acted, which you didn't really care. But there never was a time where someone stopped to think and consider how you felt. It was either them getting weirded out or people invading your personal bubble and forcing themselves onto you much to your dismay, but here you were in front of a romp of people who accepted you and your phobia and took the time to get to know you and your tendencies.

Perhaps you could spare yourself a few friends. Only a few.

You looked at them and nodded. Their eyes sparkled as Mina, Kirishima, and Kaminari teared up embracing each other. You sweatdropped at the scene infront of you.

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