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(A slight warning before you read this chapter, there will be a mention of hyperventilation so please be wary. Other than that enjoy this chapter! I'd like to thank you for all your nice comments they really make my day!)

"Midoriya, Bakugo, and (l/n) You're up!"

The three of you made it to the exam area as Bakugo raged in the front, stomping and growling on the way there.

"So I was thinking that perhaps we could distract All might so that (Y/n)-chan could use her quirk to immobilize him then we could either run or use the handcuffs." Midoriya said as you listened to his plan, it wasn't a bad plan not going to lie but the question was, if Bakugo was up for cooperation.

"Would you stop looking at me?!" Bakugo growled as he turned around to glare at you two. "I don't need you're help, we'll let him play around with us until the end then that's when I'll strike him."

"Ummm but Kacchan this is All might we're talking about, even if he is slowed down with the handicap, there's no way that you alone can beat him." Midoriya said as you silently agreed.

"Tch! Are you saying I can't beat him?! Stop talking deku you're pissing me off!" Bakugo yelled.

"I-if we want a chance to pass the exam, we've got to work together! You have to listen to what I'm saying!"

"There's no way in hell I'm listening to you! You think I need your dumb advice ?!" Bakugo yelled as he stomped towards the both of you.

You watched the two as the argued back and forth as irk marks started to form around your head. It was bad enough that you had to take this practical exam against all might, but the fact that you were paired with the most incompatible people in the word annoyed the shit out of you. All you wanted to do was get over it and go home, but that wasn't possible with these two constantly arguing. It didn't help that you still felt irritated on how Bakugo was talking to Midoriya.

You walked over to the both of them and slapped their faces. They're eye widened as you stared down at them with a glar. Even though you didn't speak, your eyes carried out your silent words.

"Will you two please shut up!"

"What the hell clean freak?!" Bakugo said as he grabbed the collar of your shirt, while you glared at him. You roughly pushed yourself off of him and slapped him again making his anger unfolded twice as much.

"(Y-Y/n)-chan.." Midoriya sputtered out, looking down at the ground holding his slightly reddened cheek in shame.

"WILL YOU STOP THAT YOU DAMN CLEAN FREAK WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO SLAP ME?!" Bakugo yelled back as your glare intensified. It was getting ridiculous at this point and the exam had already started, All might was on his way to where you three were.

And you spoke too soon as because a loud crash filled your ears followed by a huge blow sent to your direction as All might howled in laughter. The three of you were blown away by his attack as he started to destroy buildings.

You got up from the impact as you tugged up your mask groaning. 'Well shit All might calm your tits.' You said as you rubbed your back that had been hit by a wall while waving the other hand to get rid of the smoke in the air.

'Shit I can't see anything.' You thought as you squinted your eyes so the dust wouldn't get in them.

"if you think of this as a test then you're going to have a hard time passing!" All might's voiced roared out as he started to smash more buildings. "I'm a villain! Think of me as one and give me your best shot!!"

Before you could react Bakugo sent one of his huge explosions towards him, "You're not gonna win that easily!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

But he couldn't do anything as All Might grabbed Bakugo's face as he slammed his body to the ground leaving him immobile for the time being. Your eyes widened at the sigh of your family friend and teacher.

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