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"Oh my god this is so exciting!!" Your mother exclaimed as she started to prepare the home, cleaning the house, making snacks hoping to be presentable to the guests that were going to arrive soon.

'Mother please...' you thought to yourself as you dragged a bandaged hand across your face.

"Isn't this exciting (D/n)! It's been so long since (Y/n)'s brought over company!" Your mother said grasping your father's hands as a aura of flowers surrounded the couple.

When you had told your mother you were going to have a small study session with your classmates, they were ecstatic to say the least. It had been awhile since you had invited anyone home besides Hitoshi, the only other person you could tolerate, while there was another one, but your memories of him started to cease.

Sighing you left your parents in the kitchen while you walked up the stairs to go to your room. Entering you made sure to remove any baby photos you had laying around so that no one would be snooping around when they arrived. Internally groaning to yourself, thinking about how you would study with people, or even help them study. The night before you had bought a white board so that the study session could go easier.

The doorbell rang. "(Y/n) Sweetie! I think your friends are here!" You heard your mother yell from downstairs.

'Please Kamisama, help me get through this day.' You silently prayed to yourself as you tugged up your mask and took a bottle of hand sanitizer going down the stairs.

You opened the door and your eyes widened. Instead of 2 people, you saw an extra ash blonde and red haired male who stood there sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. Your gaze hardened as you internally groaned.

'Seriously? Who the fuck invited them?' You thought.

"S-sorry (Y/n)-chan... Kacchan happened to see us walking... And welll...." Midoriya said with a flushed face looking down the floor in embarrassment.

"Oi! Clean freak we're studying with you so move out of the way." Bakugo said glaring at you.

"Sorry about this (Y/n)." Kirishima said nervously.

"(Y/n)? Why aren't you coming in?" You heard your mother say as she walked towards the door to see the 4 students standing outside.

"Oh! I thought only 2 were coming." Your mother said but a wide smile made it's way on her face."But the more the merrier! Come in come in! It's been awhile since we've had company!" She said as she gestured for the 4 males to come in.

"It's a pleasure to meet you (L/n)-san." Todoroki said bowing down to your mother while the others did the same.

"I-its nice to m-meet you (Y/n)'s mother!" Midoriya said nervously.

"Thank you for letting us stay." Kirishima said giving your mother a wide smile, as Bakugo just glared at the ground giving your mother a bow, something inside of him wanting to give a good first impression.

"My my~ you boys are so polite!" She said placing a hand on her cheek. "(D/n)! (Y/n)'s friends are here!" She yelled waving a hand for your dad to come, who emerged from the kitchen and gazed at the 4 boys who greeted him with a bow. His gaze slightly hardened, as his protective dad nature took in.

"It's nice to meet you boys, I hope you haven't been doing anything with my daughter." He said with a smile while an irk mark formed on his forehead, the boys shook their heads no not wanting to disappoint your father.

Sighing you walked to them handing them the bottle of hand sanitizer and walked up the stairs.

"Ah! I'm making you boys some snacks, just cleanse your hands and follow (Y/n) to her room, I'm sure she's just cleaning her room up a bit." Your mother said as the boys nodded passing the bottle to each other.

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