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(BYE- I DIDN'T THINK THAT SO MANY PEOPLE WOULD SIMP FOR (Y/n)- but since i need to feed you simps here 😩 i did some doodles, sorry they messy but i love the messy aesthetic)

(BYE- I DIDN'T THINK THAT SO MANY PEOPLE WOULD SIMP FOR (Y/n)- but since i need to feed you simps here 😩 i did some doodles, sorry they messy but i love the messy aesthetic)

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(Y/n) drove home with her mom who had picked her up from the infirmary at school

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(Y/n) drove home with her mom who had picked her up from the infirmary at school. She stayed quiet after today's episode, and her mother was starting to be concerned, giving her a few side glances from the mirror.

"Hey honey..." she spoke giving her one and only daughter a sympathetic look. "I heard what happened... You can stay home if you like...."

(y/n) stayed quiet in the back seat, looking down at the floor, staring at her shoes while tugging up her mask. She didn't know how to feel after such a sudden out burst, and in front of her classmates and teachers. None of this would have happened if she had just went to a normal school, and became a normal citizen without having to deal with the responsibilities of being a hero,

How could she be a hero in a state like this. Would she really risk someone's life just to protect her secret? Was it even worth it to be a hero at this point?

The drive home was silent, her mother trying to talk to her daughter, but she was only met with silence while (y/n)'s head was filled with self doubt and regret.

Should I quit UA?

Do I really have what it takes to be a hero?

(Y/n) didn't even greet her dad when she walked in and went straight to her room, closing the door gently behind her and flopping down onto the bed. Usually when she was at home she would take off her mask, but today, she kept it on. She didn't feel safe without it, and after today's events, she didn't want to eat or drink.

A sick feeling erupted in her stomach as she laid down on her side and clenched her gut, groaning slightly as her body slouched in a fetal position. It wasn't going to be easy, but (Y/n) knew she would have to tell them eventually. But when? That was the question.

Would they view her as a monster?

Would they make fun of her?

Would they think she was a villain?

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