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I apologize for the inconvenience so to make it up to you guys I present to you another (y/n) drawingI hope you SIMPS are being well fed, gotta work hard for my children.

I wanted to post all of the backstory tonight so yes :)

(Y/n) just as promised, returned Monday, at the park at the same day, to see the smiling red head that waited for her by the swings.

"Did you miss me?" She smiled up at the taller male who slung an arm around her shoulder.

"Pfft you wish I had so much fun while you were gone." He stuck out his tongue at the girl who chuckled.

"Yeah yeah sure you did." Playfully punching his arm.

"How about you? I bet that Hitoshi guy was boringggg I bet you wished you hung out with me."

"Whattt Hitoshi is niceeee, and sometimes he brainwashes my bullies to go away." She defended her purple haired friend, poking Touya's side as he flinched.

"Yeah yeah but I'm better." He teased.

"HA you wish."

"Admit it."

"Nope!" She stuck out her tongue.

"Come on...." he started to tickle her sides as she slapped a hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter. "Admit it and I'll stop."

"N-ne-never!" She gasped as she tried to contain her laughter.

"You're not gonna win."

"L-let m-me go!" She laughed as she tried to pry his hands off her sides.

"Admit it then."

"F-fine!" He released his hands with a smirk on his face. "Of course you're better you're my first friend you damn hot head." She said.

"I knew it." He smiled ruffling her hair.



(Y/n) stared at him with doe eyes, clenching her fists. She stared up at him with a serious expression as she took one of his hands and intertwined their fingers together.

"Promise me that you'll stay with me forever."

Touya stared back with wide eyes as he felt her hand tremble. He wanted to stay with her, he wanted these small moments to last forever, he wanted to be able to see that bright smile of hers everyday, for the rest of his life. He wanted to continue coming to the park, to see that bright smile on her face as she ran towards him with happiness. She was like family to him.

That look on her face whenever she saw him warmed his heart. The feeling of being wanted, the feeling of being loved, something his family never showed him. That hole in his heart was finally replaced with that bright (h/c) haired colored girl.

The way that she cared for him, took care of his wounds, brought him gifts, smiled at him as if he was the most important person in the world. His heart warmed up, thanking the heavens he was able to meet someone like her. It was worth it, all that training with his dad, all the burn marks on his body. It was all worth it because he was able to meet her.

But if only it was that easy.

Touya embraced the girl giving her a tight hug as guilt washed over his entire body.

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