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Hanna's POV

School is really boring. I rather just be home with Maddie but I want to spend my senior year with my friends. Sometimes I regret not spending that much time with Maddie because I wanna be there for her.

Especially now since she is developing so many new skills like walking and talking.

I was sitting quietly just thinking about her when miss Montgomery called on me

"Hanna please stop clicking your Pen you're distracting everybody trying to work."

I didn't answer her I just looked down embarrassed. I hadn't even realized I was clicking it.

I wasn't doing my work I was too distracted by my thoughts and before I knew it I was clicking my pen again. I only realized when when something pricked my finger.

"Hanna what did I say?" Montgomery told me again

"Sorry. can I go to the bathroom?" I asked realizing I was bleeding.

"Just go" she said pointing to the door. I feel like she's mad at me or something. did I do something wrong.

I walked to the bathroom with the pen in my hand and I soon realized there was a paper in it

I completely took apart the pen to get the paper out and some girls were looking at me like I was crazy. when I finally got it open I already knew who it was from.A.

I started reading it

"See how easy it is for me to get your blood.


I took A deep breath and shook it off. I didn't want to let that bother me for the rest of the day.

I washed the blood off my finger and went back to class like nothing happened. The girls were staring at me and so was miss Montgomery but I was ignoring them.

I sat and didn't say a word for the rest of the period and when lunch came around I didn't talk that much either

"Hanna is everything ok? You seem really distracted." Emily said getting my attention.

"Ya everything is fine" I said doodling on my hand. I was really missing Madison.

The girls were eating and I could tell they were staring at me I looked up and they were smiling.

I looked in back of me and saw caleb and Maddie walking towards me and I instantly felt better.

With Maddie almost a year old it was a more of a fun experience seeing her personality come through.

She ran towards me tripping a few times with caleb following right behind her.

She eventually reached me and I grabbed her and I hugged her so tight. I sat her on my lap playing with her and the other girls held her too.

I was now on Caleb's lap and he was making me eat. I was trying to forget about that stupid A message but I just couldn't.

"Guys I need to tell you something" I said hesitantly

"What is it?" They all asked worried.

I put the A note on the table and Spencer read it out loud.

"You guys, A is still targeting me and it's really scaring me. what if they go after Maddie again or what if they start threatening all of us?"

"Hanna you don't need to worry about that we are all always going to be here for you and Maddie and you know that" caleb said pulling me in closer to him.

I hugged him and we all continued eating and talking until we had to go back to class.

Caleb waited outside with Maddie all afternoon and once school was over, we all went to my house to watch movies and just hang out.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now