Who is A?

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Hanna's POV

I didn't tell anybody where I am going. I was on my way to Ravenswood . I needed someone to talk about this and Caleb seemed like the best person right now.

On my way I got a call from someone

I answer

"Hello?" I said and no answer then in a deep voice someone said

"Do not leave rosewood or you will be gone. Forever."

It kept repeating and I was scared I couldn't even drive anymore I was shaking so much I pulled over and tried to calm myself down. I called Spencer crying

"Hanna hey where are you we are all at Ali's an we're so worried if your mom finds out you are missing she is going to flip" she said relieved but angry and I heard the other girls say hi. crap she had me on speaker

"Hey spence am I on speaker?"

I asked trying not to sound panicked

"Ya why?" she said puzzled

"Take it off I need to talk to you alone"

"Uhm ok one sec"

Spencer's POV

When Hanna said she wanted to talk to me alone I got scared. I told the girls I would be right back and walked into the hallway.

"Ok what is it Han is everything alright?"

"No spencer I was on my way to Ravenswood and then I got a call saying if I left rosewood I would be gone forever"

I didn't really understand what she said but I understood enough to be scared half to death.

"Ok hanna listen to me stay where you are and I'll come and get you with Toby ok?"

"Ok please hurry I'm so scared and don't bring the other girls I don't want anything bad to happen to them cause you're like the strongest one." She said crying

"I won't what street are you on hanna?"

I don't know I'm just on the way to Ravenswood you will see my car right before the "you are now leaving Rosewood sign" spencer hurry"

"Ok hanna I'm coming lock your doors, bye" I hung up and walked back into the room

"What happened" Aria asked looking more stressed than Ali or Em. did she know something? I'll ask her later.

"guys I need to go. "

"Oh ok but what did Hanna want?"

"She just wanted to tell me why she wasn't here."

"And why isn't she here?" Ali asked.

"Because she is going through a lot right now and you may have noticed anyways I need to go if I'm not back in 2 hours. start to get worried." I left Ali's house

Got into my car and called Toby.

"Hey Toby I'm coming to pick you up we need to go and get Hanna."

"Did she have another "episode""

He asked sounding a bit worried.

"Ya she was on her way to Ravenswood probably to go see Caleb"

"Oh why did she stop?"

"She got a call saying if she left rosewood she would be gone forever"

"Oh wow well I'll be waiting outside how far are you."

"Like five minutes just be ready ok." I said as I left the parking spot.

"Ok spence bye" he said and I started speeding down the road.

I got there in three minutes instead of five and once I got Toby
he took the wheel and I called hanna.

"Hello" she answered. she was still crying.

"Hey Han how are you holding up. Me and Toby are almost there"

"Fine I'm just scared and I wanna go home and my leg is killi..."

She stopped talking and she screamed so loud Toby heard her through the phone. I started yelling into the phone

"Hanna, Hanna are you there? Hanna?" the phone line cut off and Toby was speeding down the road way faster than he should of.

We spotted Hanna's car light and we got out of the car and ran. Toby saw someone run out of the car and went after them. I went to Hanna and she was passed out in the car.

I saw that her neck was all red. she was chocked. I tried getting her back to consciousness and after about a minute she woke up coughing

I hugged her then gave her my water bottle.

"Hanna what happened."

"I know who A is." she said with a blank expression on her face.

"Hanna what are you talking about?"

"Sean is A he is the one who choked me tonight and I remember he is the one who attacked me when the power went out at my house."

"Oh my god" I was speechless and hanna was hysterical she was just staring blankly out the window and Toby had to move her out of the drivers seat and into the passengers seat so that I can drive. Toby took my car back and I drove hanna's.

Hanna was crying the majority of the way.

"Hey spencer can you pull over somewhere?" she said and it surprised me

" Hanna were like 5 minutes away from Ali's house you can wait"

"No I have to go to the bathroom" she said and I just ignored her until we got to Ali's

"Ok now you can go to the bathroom." I said as we rang the doorbell

The girls answered the door and all hugged hanna

"Guys she has to pee" I said and they all let go as Hanna walked to the bathroom

Hanna's POV

I may not have told spencer the whole truth. she just assumed that Sean just choked me but he stabbed me near my right hip.

Thank god none of the girls touched it while they hugged me and that my shirt and jacket were black.

Spencer saved me by saying I had to pee and I tried walking to the bathroom without limping and it worked.

I took off my jacket to see what it looked like it wasn't to deep because that's when spencer and Toby came and he ran but it was still bleeding a lot and it killed.

I shoved toilet paper where it was cut and I went back out.

"I told the girls who A is."

"Whatever spencer I just wanna go home"

"No Hanna we wanna talk about this" Emily said

"Well I don't so bye" Aria looked at me

" I can take you" Aria offered " I need to get home anyways"

"Thanks" I said and we left together.

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