Who is next

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Ezra's POV

When I got the video of Hanna, my heart stopped. I did not know that it went on for that long. He was hitting her and yelling at her.
I couldn't watch the entire thing. I had to put my phone down.

I tried calling Aria several times but she wouldn't answer me. she called me back at night and came over.

"I don't even know what to say." she said leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Aria there is nothing to say. You basically saw your best friend getting raped. The only thing you can do is be there for her." I told her kissing her head.

"I want to be there for her but I can't look at her the same way. She looked so vulnerable in that video. I just want to go over there and hug her."

"So why don't you? I'll call Caleb and see if it's okay if we both go over."

"Ok." she said sitting on my couch.

"Hello?" Caleb said as he answered his phone

"Hey Caleb, is it okay if me and Aria come over to see Hanna or is she still not doing well?"

"She isn't doing well but I think it will be good for her to have a friend right now so you guys can come." he said

"Ok well be there in like 10. Bye. " I said hanging up

We got there and Hanna was locked in her room. Maddie ran to Aria yelling her name and jumping into her arms.

"Maybe you can go see her first?" Caleb suggested and I walked upstairs cautiously

I knocked on her door very gently.

"Hanna, it's Ezra. Can I come in?"

"Ok." she said very lightly

I opened her door and walked in. She was in her bed crying and watching the video.

I took away her phone and shut it off.

"Hanna why are you doing this to yourself. Watching it will only make it worse."

She didn't answer me. She looked down and continued to cry. I grabbed her into a hug and she started to sob. I felt he hands shaking on my back and I was afraid that she would hurt herself while she was alone.

I let her cry and then I talked to her.

"Hanna listen to me. I know it's hard to go through something like this, but sometimes life doesn't always go your way. Life hasn't been great for you these
Past two years, but look at everything that it gave you, it gave you an awesome fiancé and a beautiful baby girl. Sometimes you can't always focus on the negatives."

"I understand where you're coming from and I'm beyond happy with my family but this is something different. This is me Naked and Sean on top of me and the entire school has seen it. Even the teachers." She said

"Ok well I know you, and you're strong. If anybody could get through this, its you. You are a beautiful girl Hanna. You need to be confident and hold your head high and don't let anybody see that you're hurting. You need to be strong for yourself otherwise you are making your life worse and Maddie's life worse."

She half smiled at me and hugged me.

"Thanks Ezra. You always know what to say. I'm obviously still horrified at this but I will try to get over it one day at a time." she said just as Aria walked in.

They hugged and I went downstairs to chat with Caleb and tell him that everything is going to be fine if he just gives it time. I also offered my help whenever he needs it. I often forget that these two are still kids. They are barely 18 yet they have been through so much. If Aria was going through this I don't know how I would be staying sane.

"Caleb if Hanna starts cutting again I want you to tell me." I told him sternly

"I promise I will." He said looking like he was tearing up

"Caleb you don't  have to go through this alone. I already told you that. If you need somebody to talk to, I'm always here." I said patting him on the back.

"Thanks Ezra. That really means a lot." he said

I stayed over all day and Aria stayed the night. I had to go home and grade papers.

What more can A do now. If they can do worse, I really don't wanna know. A can seriously hurt one of these girls and it scares me thinking that Aria could be next.

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