missing in Action

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Hanna's POV

It's Monday today and I am really tired.i barely got any sleep last night. I was too freaked out. I was pregnant. it hasn't sunken in yet. it still felt like a dream for me. but reality set in when the morning sickness kicked in. thank god my mom didn't hear me throwing up.

Once I was done I got dressed I put black skinny jeans on with a grey top and a leather jacket. I was dressing more goth because I was tired of always matching Alison.

Once I got to school I found spencer. she looked a little stressed but it was probably because she was studying for a test.

"Hey Spencer." it came out as almost a whisper

"Hi Han. are you ok?" she asked

"Yeah I'm fine why wouldn't I be?"

"Toby told me about yesterday at Ezra's" she looked at me then gave me a hug.

"What's up with you lately Hanna seriously because all of us are worried about you. I still haven't told anybody that you had cut yourself but Hanna I need to know that you are not still doing it."

I looked at her

"Spencer I'm not doing that anymore." I looked at the ground

"So prove it then. wear a skirt to school tomorrow. or you can tell me the truth now"

I blinked back tears

"Ok fine spencer I'm sorry but I can't stop it's hard."

"Hanna listen to me. you are going to get through this. whatever is bothering you. we are your best friends and you can tell us. you don't need to be afraid"

I was gonna say something but the bell rang. I went to my locker and Alison came soon after

"Hey Han" she said in her usual preppy voice

"Hi" i replied back a little angrily.

"Sweetie are you alright have you been crying" she said

"A little. it's nothing Ali. don't worry about it" I fake smiled and walked to my first class.

it was with miss Montgomery. I felt nauseous just walking into her class remembering what I had done the other day.

I sat next to Aria again. my hands were shaking I was so nervous.

Spencer and Emily came to join Us.

I had my head on my desk as if I was sleeping and I could feel the girls looking at me.

Emily reached over to comfort me and placed her hand on the thigh where I cut myself. I almost jumped out of my seat it hurt so bad I moaned in pain and Everyone was looking at me. Even Miss Montgomery

Spencer looked at me with a look of disapproval and I just put my head back on my desk and let a few tears slip out.

"Ok class today you will be working on your group assignments." miss Montgomery said "so get into your teams and start working"

I was with Aria and spence was with Emily. we didn't really talk about the project just about what happened at Ezra's.

"Hanna ?" Aria asked really quietly

"What?" I replied even quieter like I was mocking her

"Your hands are shaking. you ok?"

She said chuckling at the end

"Ya I'm fine I just don't feel well."

I really didn't I don't think my morning sickness is over yet

"Oh ok, uhm you don't have to work if you don't feel up to it right now" she said with pity

"Thanks" I smiled at her and just sat quietly.

She was rambling about ideas about the project and I kept gagging I was gonna throw up.

"Aria I'm gonna throw up" I said in a panicked voice.

"Just go tell my mom and I'll come after you"

I walked up to miss Montgomery

"Can I go to the restroom?"

I didn't tell her I was gonna throw up. she would automatically assume it was morning sickness.

"Hanna we need to talk about the other day" she said and I gagged again almost throwing up. "but go to the bathroom first" she said and I ran out the door .

I ran into Ali in the hallway and we stared at each other before I ran into the bathroom and she followed.

Aria's POV

Once Hanna ran out me and the girls gave my mom a looked and she authorized us to go and see if Hanna was ok. we walked into the girls bathroom and we looked for Hanna and we ran into Ali holding Hanna's hair

" hey Emily can you come hold Hanna's hair I think I'm gonna be sick" Ali said and we all remembered she got sick whenever somebody else was throwing up and Emily replaced her.

" Are you ok" I asked Ali trying not to laugh.

"Yes I'm fine" she said smiling

Once Hanna was all done she washed her hands and walked back to class without saying a word except thanks to Emily and

We got back to class and hanna was sitting at the desk with her head down

Hanna's POV

I am mortified right now. I just buried myself in my arms and put my head on the desk and let my mind get the best of me. I didn't put my head up till the end of class despite the girls trying to get my attention. they gave up after a while.

The bell rang and I stayed exactly where I was I heard miss Montgomery tell Aria, spencer and Emily that she would take care of it as they left the classroom.

Ella's POV

Once the girls left the classroom I shut the door behind me and went to sit next to hanna.

"Hanna, we need to talk."

She looked up her face stained with tears. I didn't even know she was crying.

"Do you know?" she asked me

"Know what sweetheart?" I asked genuinely confused

"Never mind. so what did you want to talk about?"

"Those test Hanna. and why you rushed out so fast and why you ended up with Ezra."

She looked at me and instantly started balling her eyes out. I knew what that meant and my heart just broke.

" I'm sorry miss Montgomery I didn't mean to run out like that I just panicked."

Just then Sean walked in. he had forgotten his notebook

"Hey miss. I just came to get my notebook. oh my god hanna are you ok" Sean said

I looked at Hanna and her face turned white like a ghost.

"She is fine Sean now if you would please leave we are having an important conversation." I told him and he exited the room and I was putting the pieces together in my mind.

"Hanna he did this to you Didn't he?

She didn't say a word before getting up and running out of the classroom. I tried to go after her but I just gave up. I already had my answer anyways.

Hanna was raped by Sean and now she is pregnant with Sean's baby. I didn't plan on telling anybody. not even her mother

After our little chat, Hanna had left school and none of the girls had any contact with her. She was nowhere to be found.

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