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Ali's POV

The school year is almost over there's only two months left and things have cooled down a bit. everyone is back to normal, Hanna is less on edge about everything and we're all just happy.

We haven't heard from A in a while. We've all just been doing our own thing.

"Hey Han." I said walking up to her in the hallway.

"Hey Ali. are you ok?" She asked me.

"Ya. fine. why wouldn't I be?"

"No I'm just asking." she said grabbing her things and closing her locker.

"Can I come over later?" I asked her

"Ya sure." she said walking into the bathroom with me.

"Hanna why are you following me?" I asked her

"Because something wrong with you and I'm trying to figure out what." she said smiling

"Hanna nothing is wrong." I said walking into a stall.

"Is it a boy?" She asked

"Hanna!" I said blushing

"Oh my gosh it is a boy!" She said squealing

"Who is it?" She asked excitedly

"It's some guy. I just really like him." I said walking out of the stall.

"Well that's cute. Are you gonna.."

I was interrupted by my phone ringing. I watched a video in horror before shoving my phone back in my purse.

"What was that?" She asked me scared.

"Hanna it was nothing don't worry about it." I said trying to walk away from her.

She grabbed my phone out of my purse.

"Who the hell sent you this?" She asked almost in tears."

"I-I don't know Hanna please calm down."

"Calm down?!" She yelled so loud people in the hallway could probably hear her

"Alison this is a video of Sean raping me. how the hell do you want me to calm down. Who else got this."

" How am I supposed to know Hanna? If I got it the other girls probably got it too."

"Oh god I feel like I'm gonna puke."

"Please don't. For all you know nobody else got this and I'm the only one who saw it. now let's get to class before we're late."

She looked at me with tears in her eyes as we walked off to class.

We walked into math and The rest of the girls are in my class.

Hanna sat down in the back corner and I went next to her.The other girls joined soon after

"Hanna what's wrong?" Spencer said

"Nothing I'm fine."

"Clearly not, what's bothering you?"

"I said nothing now leave me alone."

"Seriously Han it looks like you're about to cry."

"Nothing is wrong with me ok now can you please just shut up." she yelled causing everyone to turn around.

She looked down embarrassed and was quiet.

Half way through class everybody's phone went off and my heart sank.

"Anyone who checks their phone will get a detention is that clear?" The teacher said pretty much saving Hanna.

A couple of minutes passed before the intercom went off

"Hanna Marin please report to the principals office Immediately. Hanna Marin to the principals office. Thank you."

Hanna's POV

I feel so light headed right now. If everyone in my class got that video, the entire school probably did.

I looked at the girls and got up shaking. I made my way down the hallway and into the principals office

"I-Is everything ok?" I asked walking in trying to sound confident

"We need to talk. Have a seat."

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked my voice getting shaky

"No! Not at all Hanna. Someone has Anonymously sent us a video containing you in it."the principal said and I felt myself starting to cry but I stopped myself ."It was very disturbing and it pained me to watch it. I just wanted to let you know because this is a very personal issue and it needs to be addressed."

"What's in the video?" I asked trying to keep calm

"Judging by your reaction I think you already know" he said getting up to comfort me. He sat in the chair next to mine.

"Hanna this video hasn't only gone to me, it has gone to the entire school, teachers and students." he said and I lost it. I completely broke down.

Just then Miss Montgomery came rushing into the office and hugged me.

"Hanna look at me. Whoever did this, were going to find them and they will be severely punished."

I couldn't even answer her or look her in the eye. She saw the video of me and there is nothing more embarrassing than that.

"I just want to go home." I said covering my face

"We have already contacted your mother and she is on her way. for now you can wait here or in miss Montgomery's classroom. It's empty."

"I'll take her to my classroom." Miss Montgomery said and dragged me along with her.

"Get your books from your locker while I get the girls ok sweetheart." she said and I did as I was told

"She came back with the girls all staring at their phones. They all looked horrified.

"Who the hell was filming this. it's from outside your bedroom window" Spencer said coming to hug me from behind.

"I don't know I just want to go home to Maddie and Caleb." I said sitting down in a chair once we reached miss Montgomery's class.

"Your mom is coming Hanna." Ali said scooting her desk closer to mine and hugging me.

I tried not to cry but I had to. what else am I supposed to do?

Soon enough My mom, Caleb and Maddie showed up.

Caleb hugged me and my mom talked to Ella. Maddie was playing with the girls

"Hanna I got the video too. So did Ezra, Toby, and your dad."

"My dad got the video?" I asked him confused

"Yes he called your mom and they talked for a long time. I'm pretty sure they were both crying." He whispered in my ear

"What did Toby and Ezra say?"

"They mostly felt sorry, especially Ezra. They also wanted to kill Sean even though he is already very dead."

"Can we just go home. I just want to forget about all of this.

"Hanna it's a video no one is ever going to forget about this." He said hugging me tighter.

We walked into the hallway and the girls walked back to class.

A couple of kids in the hall gave me pity stares and said they were sorry.

I had Maddie in my arms and walked out of the building. I put her in my mom's car and sat in the back with Caleb as she drove us back the her place.

What has my life become.

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