Chapter 2~ Aria's house

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Aria's POV

Hanna was the first one to come over. She was also the only one. Spencer And Em were doing some project together and couldn't make it, and Ali's dad wouldn't let her out, so I got me and Han some popcorn and we put in a movie. We decided to watch breakfast at Tiffany's.

I don't think Hanna liked it very much. She wasn't paying attention to it at all she was bitting her nails and sighing a lot. I was worried about her. I paused the movie.

"Hanna you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine Aria" her eyes started tearing up

"No you're not, what's wrong?"

I think I may have pushed it a bit to far cause that's when hanna completely broke down.

Hanna's POV

In my head I was begging Aria to stop I could feel my eyes filling with tears and my face getting red I know she only meant well but I wish she would just shut up. She kept asking me what was wrong and I was holding in a sob I don't want to tell her or anybody.

"No your not what's wrong"

I couldn't keep it in anymore I buried my face in my knees and started sobbing uncontrollably.

I needed to find an excuse and fast.

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