Truth or Death

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Hanna's POV

I woke up to a sudden feeling of nausea. I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. minutes later Malcolm came in looking confused.

"Are you sick Hanna?"

"Yes Malcolm I'm sick" it felt better than telling him I was pregnant.

"Well can you hurry I need to pee"

I looked at him knowing I wouldn't be done for another half an hour so I got up flushed the toilet and took the garbage can with me. I waited for Malcolm to finish before rushing back into the bathroom.

Shortly after Malcolm had woken up, Aria did. she came into the bathroom and just stood there.

"Do you have to pee to?" I asked sarcastically

"What? no. are you ok" she said as she came to hold my hair back

"Yeah I'm fine. what time is it? I need to take Malcolm to the mall, I promised Ezra."

"It's 7:30 Han you have time."

That's the last thing either of us said for a while.

When I was finally done i got up and laid down on the couch. I kept thinking how I didn't want to have this baby. It wasn't the baby of somebody I loved and I'm only 17 I don't need a baby right now. how am I going to tell my mother. I started crying silently as Aria was drawing with Malcolm

Ezra woke up at around 8:30 and that's when I took Malcolm with me to the Mall. Aria stayed at Ezra's doing whatever they do and she said that her and the girls were going to meet me at her house later.

The mall with Malcolm was actually pretty fun. it was like shopping for an itty bitty Caleb. And it did get my mind off of things. I bought him a lot of clothes and some toy trains,all with Ezra's credit card

"Hanna this is fun, Mommy never took me to the mall."

"Oh really? well we can go again some time if you really like it."

My heart broke when he said that how could his mom just leave him like that?

"You would do that for real!?" he said his face lighting up with a giant smile.

"Of course Malcolm. you can even ask Aria I'm sure she won't mind"

"Awesome. Now can we go home my feet are tired."

"Sure" I said as we were walking out of the mall

We got into the car and I started driving back to Ezra's with like a million bags in the back seat.

Malcolm helped me carry some up the stairs and he knocked on the door with his foot

Aria answered the door

"You're still here?" I asked her surprised .I thought I was meeting you guys at your house.

"Well I had to make sure you were actually going to show so I'm gonna bring you."

"But my car."

"We will take your car I'll leave mine here I'm coming back tomorrow anyways Ezra's gonna pick me up" she smiled

"Ok well bye Malcolm see you soon"

"Bye" he said from inside already opening one of the trains.

Ezra came to the door grabbing the rest of the bags from my hand

"Thanks Hanna." He said with a smile

"No problem now Aria let's go I wanna get this over with."

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now