A is for awkward.

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Ezra's POV

I woke up to the sound of someone throwing up and I looked over to the bed and Hanna wasn't there. I woke up Toby and then went to check on hanna.

"Hanna are you ok"

She looked up at me

"What do you think" she said coldly and threw up again

"Toby come here, I'm gonna call Aria" I yelled from the bathroom. he came running and he grabbed onto Hanna's hair and was comforting her

I didn't tell Aria where I was bringing hanna I think the girls thought she went home.

I dialled Aria's number about 10 times before she picked up.

"Hello?" she said very sleepily

"Heyy.. Aria sorry if I woke you up but can you come to my apartment like right now please."

"Uh ya I'll be there in 15, is everything ok?"

"Just come as soon as you can please. bye" I hung up and went to help Toby with Hanna

Once she was done we brought her to the couch. I think she had only slept three hours cause it was only 5:30 in the morning.

" Sorry" she whispered as if she did something wrong

"Hanna there is nothing you need to be sorry about"

"But I feel bad" she said looking all sad

"Hey Ezra I need to go spence is probably wondering where I am"

"You didn't tell spencer where you were" I asked

"Not exactly anyways sorry but I don't exactly need the wrath of spencer right now so by Ezra feel better Hanna"

"Bye good luck" I said and he left.

Hanna's POV

This is so awkward. Yesterday my best friends boyfriend saw me half naked and today he was watching me throw up I just hope he didn't notice the cuts on my leg. I promised spencer I would stop but I didn't.

"Hey hanna?" Ezra said "where did you get those cuts?"

I froze and in my mind I thought Fuck. There was no point in lying those cuts were to perfect to be an accident. I just looked at him and I think my look said everything

"Oh Hanna why would you do that? is something bothering you that bad"

"Yes but I don't wanna say"

"Hanna you don't need to be embarrassed to tell me anything and if you are worried about me telling anyone I won't not even the girls"

"Ezra you're pretty cool you know that" she said with a smile on her face

"So are you gonna tell me what's bothering you?" I asked again

"I don't know Ezra, can you hand me my purse please I need to check my messages."

I went to grab her purse and

something fell out. I was a bit shocked but it all made sense now.

I just stared at the open box before picking it up. I took out the stick and it read positive. Hanna immediately started to cry.

There were two more pregnancy test boxes and two read positive the other one wasn't used yet.

" Hanna, Aria should be here in 10 minutes take this before she gets here and I'll throw out the other ones." I pretty much demanded her to do that and she went in the bathroom.

I was scared for her. I was cleaning up the apartment before Aria got here and I kept thinking about who did this her.Travis barely even happened and Caleb was in Ravenswood.

5 minutes later she came out of the bathroom and her face said it all.

I motioned for her to come here with my hand and I just hugged her. it kills me to see her upset because Hanna is usually a rock.

I hugged her for a long time and she was crying into my shoulder and I heard the key turning Aria was here I was gonna let go but hanna wasn't moving so I just stayed where I was.

Aria's POV

I walked in and I was shocked by what I saw. Hanna was crying into Ezra's shoulder. what was she even doing here. It didn't matter I just went and grabbed her. I realized she was wearing Ezra's pyjamas. did she sleep here?

"Hanna oh my god are you ok"

"No Aria. I told spencer I would stop and I didn't and Sean is just such an ass and I don't feel well and please kill me"

"Hanna I'm not gonna kill you. you need to chill ok"

Hanna's POV

Well that was awkward me
hugging my best friends boyfriend
And crying.

I just realized I asked her to kill me I'm so stupid.

"Hanna I'm not gonna kill you. you need to chill ok"

Aria said a bit angry

"Ok fine I will" then I remembered I left the pregnancy test on the bathroom counter.

I told Ezra I left my phone on the counter and I think he understood me when he shut the door behind him. he came out and smiled at me and I saw the test in his pocket. he handed me my phone and sat down next to Aria

"Also what did u mean by you told spencer you would stop?"

"Nothing I don't know"

"Aria I would just cool it with
the questions right now babe"
Ezra said. I never knew how cool he was

"Hanna we're gonna talk later okay." aria said

"Okay" I said back smiling.

"Aria why don't you go and wash up and we can all eat breakfast together ok?"

Ezra suggested

"Ok honey" she walked into the bathroom and I immediately died of laughter

"Oh my god Ezra can you imagine if she found the pregnancy test in your bathroom" I whispered

He chuckled.

"She would be so confused" he replied back and we both started laughing

"Hey listen hanna if you ever need anyone to talk to about this" he took out the positive pregnancy test and handed it to me. " just know that I'm here ok. I know it may not be easy to trust me but I
just wanted you to know that i'm here for you. "

"Ya! ok thanks Ezra" Instead of hugging we just high fived and waited for Aria to get out of the shower.

Once she was out we had breakfast and watched some stupid black and white movie and then Ezra drove me back home.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now