Like Mother...

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Hanna's POV

It's my fist day back at school today. I'm honestly kind of nervous. who wouldn't after having a child. Even though everyone knew I was raped, they still talk shit.

Emily and Spencer probably told Caleb I wasn't eating and now he literally will watch me till I finish everything. He did that this morning and it was kinda awkward.

It took everything I had in me not to run to the bathroom and throw up, but I really do want to get better.

Emily's POV

Hanna asked me to go pick her up this morning. we were dropping madison off at her moms house. Caleb had to work so he couldn't watch her.

I got to Hanna's house and said hi to Caleb before leaving with her and her daughter. she looked a bit sad, I wasn't gonna question it though.

"Are you excited for your first day back?" I asked her trying to make conversation.

She sighed "yup". she smiled. it was a fake smile though.

It was quiet until we got to her moms house. We took Madison's baby carrier out of the back seat and I carried her Back to the house.

"Hi mom" Hanna said as she walked through the unlocked front door. why was the door unlocked?

"Moom?" Hanna asked again Walking around the house. Still no answer. We heard something fall from upstairs and we both crept up the stairs trying not to make a noise.

When we got upstairs we walked into her moms room and she was on the floor. I'm pretty sure passed out. she has a note on her back.

"Like mother like grand-daughter.


"Emily what the hell does this mean? is A going to come after my Daughter?" hanna asked me tears starting to form in her eyes.

"I don't know Hanna." I answered honestly "but right now I need you to call an ambulance so we can get you mom to a hospital. she's bleeding pretty bad. I'll call my mom so she can watch her."

She called 9-1-1 and then my mom and we headed to school as if nothing happened. hanna had stopped crying and plastered a fake smile on her face.

I know she was dying in the inside but I could tell she was not going to let A or anyone bring her down.









Hey sorry this chapter is so short. I have like the worst writers block ever!

Also thanks for 8k it still amazes me how I even got one read on this.

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-Samantha 💋

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