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Aria's POV

I left school to tell Ezra about A because I was getting really scared, but then, all this happened and now I don't even know what to think and I have Malcolm hugging me. I mean he is a super sweet kid but right now is the worst time for him to be asking me all these questions.

"Why are you crying Aria?" he asked me with his little innocent voice

"Because I'm upset Malcolm"

I tried to stay calm

"Well why are you upset?"

"Because some psycho bitch is trying to kill me and my friends and you really don't need to know this Malcolm so how about you go and play with your trains and leave me alone." I kinda shouted and it looked like he was going to cry

"No, no Malcolm I didn't mean that I'm sorry I'm just angry,"

"Your angry just like mommy was angry when she left me?" he asked tears filling in his eyes. it broke my heart to see him cry I couldn't even answer him so I just ran out of the apartment and Ezra came running after me.

Ezra's POV

I couldn't believe What Aria told Malcolm but it was understandable she was angry and scared.

"Aria babe look at me, you need to calm down." I told her walking her back to my apartment.

"I-I know it's just that I'm scared" she replied starting to stop crying

"Ok now why don't you and Hanna go back home or to school and maybe do something with the girls to take your mind off thing?"

"That's a good idea Ezra, I'll drive though because Hanna's hand is pretty busted up." she said smiling

"Ok babe" I told her and kissed her before she left with Hanna.

{{{{{{ 8 hours later }}}}}}

Emily's POV

All of us decided to go to Philly for the night and spend some time together. Spencer is driving and I'm in the passengers seat. Ali Hanna and Aria are all in the back of Spencer's car.

"Spencer are you sure were going the right way because it looks like were in the middle of nowhere and we've been driving for almost three hours" I said

"I'm just following the GPS Em."

"Well were gonna be late for the reservations we made." Hanna said

"It's fine they will just give us a worse table" spencer replied and continued driving

After about 20 minutes we got there and like Hanna had said our table was taken.

"Ok ladies follow me to another table" the waiter said leading us to a staircase

"After you" he said again letting us go first.

There was a lot of stairs and the other girls were looking at each other.

"Enjoy your dinner girls" he said pushing Me which caused all of the other girls to fall forward into another room.

"Hey you fucking asshole" Hanna yelled and tried to get back out but the man had already locked us into this room.

It was huge , the floor was carpeted and the walls were painted black it was like some sort of hideout except it was completely empty. no food, water, or bathroom. Just one arm chair. it was divided in two sides with another small stair case coming after the door.

"You guys I'm scared" Aria said starting to cry.

"Aria don't cry" I gave her my jacket to use as a pillow and she went to lie down. I was actually terrified right now.


Spencer's POV

I don't know how long we have been in this room maybe three hours, our phones don't get reception down here so we couldn't call anyone.

we were all chatting except for Alison who was being suspiciously quiet.

"I am so hungry." hanna said lying down on her back.

"Me to" Emily said and went to check on Aria who had fallen asleep.

"What's your deal Alison you have barely said a word since we've been in here."

"I'm just scared hanna" she whispered and went to sit in the chair

It was all quiet until someone opened the door threw us a bucket if food and water bottles and immediately locked the door again

"Well at least we know he isn't starving us to death" Emily said and grabbed a piece of bread and a water bottle. Aria me and Hanna grabbed some also but Alison didn't even touch any. she was just sitting in the chair with her knees up and her head in them.

"Ali are you ok?" Aria asked

"Yeah I'm just tired."

"Well at least eat something before you go to bed." Hanna said

"It's fine I'm not hungry"

"Then drink something you don't want to be dehydrated." Hanna said again

"Just stop it Hanna I'm not hungry or thirsty just leave me alone." Ali yelled and went to sit in the corner.

"Ali why are you so upset" Emily asked

"I'm not upset!" she yelled back

Well clearly something is bothering you!" I said to her

Just then the door opened again and someone threw 5 pillows. All the pillow cases said the same thing

"Hope you like the place, you're gonna be here a while. be good and you will get more stuff

Kisses -A"

"Oh my god what the hell is wrong with this psycho" Aria said.

Alison's POV

I am so scared and uncomfortable right now. I have had to pee since we were in the car and the situation we are in is not helping.

I am so embarrassed. I'm scared also because A can just kill us all right now. I'm crying quietly in hopes that the girls won't here me.

"Alison come and get a pillow." Hanna said and I really had no choice so I wiped my tears and got up

"Oh my god Alison what's wrong?" spencer asked me

"Nothing." I answered

"No Ali clearly something's wrong" hanna said.

"Ok what if the person who locked us in here tries to kill us"

"Ali we talked about this already, Spencer carries a pocket knife with her we have a weapon"

I smiled wondering why spencer would carry a knife.

"Now eat before you go to bed" Emily said throwing me a bread and a water bottle at this point there was no denying I had to pee. I had to say something.

"I also really have to use the bathroom" I said really quickly. the other girls laughed

"We know, and we don't know what to tell you Ali" Spencer said to me

"Oh I know" hanna said emptying the bucket and throwing it to me.

"Hanna I can't" I said laughing a little

"Whatever just hold it then I wanna go to bed we will figure out how to get out of here in the morning" Aria said taking the pillow

Hanna's POV

After we all ate and tried calling people one last time we decided it was time to sleep so we all joined Aria in one corner of the room and fell asleep shortly after.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now