Where is she?

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Spencer's POV

After the whole --A incident Hanna hasn't been eating or sleeping or talking much. Everyone is worried about her, even Melissa.

Caleb said she had recently started drinking a lot more and that he is trying to get her to stop but she won't listen.

I went over to her house in hopes that maybe she would open up to me. Caleb let me in and I said hi to madison before going upstairs to see Hanna.

"Hey hanna." I said barely over a whisper. She turned around and had a tear stained face. I didn't say anything I just went to hug her. We hugged for a long time before she let go.

"Spencer I started again." she said tearing up.

"Started what?" I asked not knowing what she was talking about.

"The cutting. I started again. and now I'm drinking." she took a deep breath in "I need help Spencer" she said grabbing my hand and starting to cry.

"Hanna don't worry. you have a bunch of friends here for you and we are never going anywhere. I can keep the cutting to myself but I think the others know about drinking." I told her pulling her in for a hug.

"I'm the worst mother ever" she said crying into my shoulder.

"No Hanna, don't say that. it's going to take you some getting used to and for now Caleb will take care of her until you get better." I told her hugging her tighter, surprised at how bony she had gotten.

"You wanna go out to eat or something? Maybe get your mind off of things?" I suggested to her in an attempt to get her to eat something.

"I guess." she said shrugging her shoulders. She took a shower and got dressed Caleb thanked me and then we left.

Hanna's POV

I agreed to go with Spencer because I really do want to get better. I don't want to be like one of those awful mothers you see on Tv.

Caleb keeps telling me I'm a great mother and Spencer told me too but I just can't see myself as a good mother, not with A always harassing me and my family.

Spencer parked near the grill and we went in. she ordered us both a sandwich and I am starting to regret coming.

"Soo.." I said as Spencer sat down eating her sandwich

"Have you told your mom any of this?" She asked me

"Caleb told her about the not eating but not the drinking."
I said staring down at the sandwich.

"Oh does Caleb know about the cutting?" She asked me. She was staring at my sandwich to.

"No he doesn't." I replied starting to get really uncomfortable. I realized she wasn't going to stop staring until I ate something.

I picked up my sandwich and took a bite and in the sandwich there was a rolled up paper.

Spencer's POV

Hanna finally took a bite of her sandwich but the second she did she went pale.

"Hanna what is it? are you ok?" I asked leaning over to her she didn't swallow her food yet but she took something out of the sandwich and when I realized what it was I took it away.

"Hanna don't read this. It's only going to make you worse" I told her. She still didn't swallow her food.

"Hanna swallow and I'll give you the note." I said backing away.
She swallowed and grabbed the note out of my hand and she read it out loud

"Be careful hefty Hanna. I can already see the weight adding on. --A"

She started getting tears in her eyes. "Hanna don't pay attention to what A says it's not true." I said but she wasn't listening she got up and ran out of the grill. I left money and went to run after to her but I couldn't find her.

I looked for her everywhere then I drove home and called everyone who could have seen her, even her dad but no one has.

Where the hell is Hanna?

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