Madison Rivers

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Alison's POV

Melissa got all of her stuff and we got into the car and rushed to the hospital it took us a while and it was heartbreaking to see Hanna in this much pain. I just hope she is ok. Aria called Caleb as I called Hanna's Mom And once we arrived at the hospital we all waited in the waiting room

"Do you think she's gonna be ok?" Aria said pacing

"Aria she's gonna be fine just relax" I told her and made her sit down.

Shortly after, Caleb and misses Marin arrived together.

"Where is she?" Hanna's mom asked

"In room 4." I said to her smiling

"Caleb are you coming?" she asked him

I could see all the girls couldn't help but laugh at how nervous he looked. spencer gave him a thumbs up and he quickly followed his new mother in law into the room where Hanna was.

We all waited impatiently pacing and discussing how the baby would look. we all had our bets on brown hair like Caleb and blue eyes like Hanna except for Aria who thought she would be blonde with blue eyes like Hanna. Then we all remembered Caleb wasn't the biological father so Aria was probably right.

After two very long hours the nurse finally called us in. We all jumped up and headed into the room slowly. we all went into the room and stood around Hanna with her adorable baby.

"She looks like you." Emily said.

"I told you guys she would be blond and blue eyes like Hanna" Aria said smiling.

We all sat in the room with Hanna smiling and not having to think about A for a day. Caleb was so cute holding the baby it was like he didn't want to drop her.

"Alright time to fill out the birth certificate" one of the nurses said handing it to Hanna

"So it's the name we agreed on Babe?" Hanna asked Caleb

"Yes babe" he answered back looking down at the baby "Madison Rivers"

"Date of birth December 18 2014." Hanna said out loud while filling it in.

"Father, Caleb Rivers" Hanna said proudly

"Do you want to hold her?" Caleb asked asked all of us.

The look of terror on Aria's Face made us confused

"What?"Caleb asked

"I just don't want to drop her"

"You won't" Caleb said handing her to Aria. She held her for a couple of minutes before handing her to Hanna's Mom

Today felt like a perfect day. all of us were happy and in one room all together. we all forgot about the incident earlier today with Melissa who conveniently disappeared right after we got here. After a while, we all had to go home and we all left before Hanna and her Family.

Ashley's POV

Now that we were all alone I wanted to talk to the kids.

"Are you guys going to have a marriage right away or are you going to wait?"

"Well I think we are going to wait a while before we do so Hanna can finish high school." Caleb told me.

I was Happy hanna was marrying Caleb, he's nice and sweet.

"You know if you ever need any help with Madison you can call me right" I told them

"God we know mom, you've been saying that all day" hanna said back smiling.

"Ok honey well I need to go I have a meeting call me if you need anything. I love you" I said heading out the door.

"I love you to." hanna yelled back at me.

Hanna's POV

I can't believe i'm actually holding my daughter. it felt like a dream. a really awesome but painful dream. that was the most pain I've been in, in my entire life! but it was worth it.

"Did the doctor say you can leave today babe?" Caleb asked me getting up and coming closer to me.

"Yes he did, I just need to get dressed and then we can take her home."i told him calling a doctor over here

"Is it ok if we leave now?" I asked

"It should be fine just don't do to much work rest for a day." She said as she walked off.

Caleb handed me my clothes and got Madison dressed.

She was wearing the clothes my mom bought her. A furry pink onesie with a princess crown on it. it was cute. it was also winter and Aria had knitted her the cutest pink winter hat and gloves ever.

When she was all bundled up, all you could see was her big blue eyes and she was so cute.

We got into the car and drove to our house. we spend some time with Madison before we had to put her to sleep.

"Caleb can you stay with her I'm scared of what A will do." I said

"Sure honey don't worry I will keep her safe. I promise."

"Thanks babe" I said walking off to the bathroom to take a shower.

I was staring at myself in the mirror and I couldn't help but think "Hefty Hanna" all over again

Every time I looked at myself it kept popping back into my head. all the teasing and the name calling and I didn't want that again.

I thought long and hard about this before I did it. I turned the shower on so caleb wouldn't hear what I'm doing. I took two fingers and shoved them down my throat and made myself throw up. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help it. I just felt so bad about myself.

Once I was done I got into the shower and went to sit with Caleb watching our beautiful daughter sleep. we fell asleep in her room too and woke up the next morning all together, as a happy family

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