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Alison's POV

I have a plan and it might be really stupid, but it will almost for sure work. It is about 8:30 at night. A took our phones but Emily still has her watch. I had to discuss my plan with Hanna because she's the major part

"Hanna can I talk to you for a second" I said

"Ya what is it" she said from across the room.

"In private" I said as I motioned for her to come her

"What is it?" she asked annoyed I didn't answer for a second because I was going thought the plan in m head

"You didn't get your period did you cause we already have that problem with Aria." she said laughing

"What? Really? no. I have a plan that might work just act casual while I tell you it ok"

"Whatever?" she said twirling her hair. these hormones were really getting to her.

"Ok so I realized that there is cameras all over this place if you haven't noticed and this may sound crazy but I need you to fake your labour, If A knows that you're in labour they will for sure do something like get you out or something" I sad whispering

"You know that actually might work let's tell the other girls" she said turning around to call them

"No shut up they can't know! It will ruin the authenticity of it and remember A is watching so tonight once we are all in bed I need you to pretend you are going into labour and make it believable please." I told her again almost begging

"Ok fine just I don't know pretend to cough when you want me to start faking"

"Ok but do you think they will believe me I mean I'm only 7 months pregnant"

"Ya for sure people have babies early all the time" I told her as I walked away to see if Aria was holding up

Hanna's POV

I can't believe I'm actually doing this! it's kind of exciting in a way. I mean at first I thought that Alison was crazy but now that I think of it this could actually work. only problem is I don't know how to fake labour. I know I have to scream. I hope it's believable.

It was nine o'clock when we all got into bed. it gets kinda boring sitting around and doing nothing all day so we decided to just sleep I was staring at the ceiling waiting for Alison's to cough so I could start.

After about what felt like an hour Alison had a full out coughing fit. I thought she only said one cough.leave it to her to over dramatize things.

"Are you ok Ali" Spencer asked laughing

"Yup I'm fine" she answered back and smiled at me

I knew that I had to do something I was just thinking what. I thought for a while and whispered "here goes nothing" to myself before yelling

"Ooooh God"

"Oh my god what is it hanna."

"I don't know my stomach is killing me" I said trying to keep a straight face I yelled again and started to fake cry as I winked to Alison

Emily's POV

Right now I am terrified. hanna can't be going into labour right now she is way to early to be in labour.

"Wait are you going into labour or something?" Alison asked in a panic climbing down from the bunk bed

"I don't know, Ali it just hurts really bad"

"Ok Hanna look at me, stay calm and breath" spencer said

"How am I supposed to stay calm while your telling at me she scram back and yelled again. the look of terror on Aria's face made me scared.

"You guys what do we do she can't just give birth here"

"Aria she won't it's probably just contractions" I said to her and went back to comforting hanna

Alison's POV

I was really hopping this would work but A hasn't come out to get hanna yet. maybe I should just give it time but she was doing a good job at acting. I almost believe her.

All of a sudden we see a chair move and a door in the floor opens. we see A standing there and I look at hanna to tell her to keep going. the other girls turn around shocked. A runs towards Hanna to go and pick her up

"Hanna now." I said and hanna punched her in the face so hard I couldn't help but laugh. hanna gets up and the other girls look pissed off but at least our plan worked.

"What the hell guys you were faking?"

"Shut up and run now" I yelled and we all ran out the door down many flights of stairs and when we finally got outside we realized we were in an attic of a very old house.

"What the hell why would you scare us like that?" Aria said catching her breath.

"We wanted it to be believable" hanna said smirking."now we have to go did anybody see who a was" she asked

Nobody answered for a while until Aria said something

"It was ..Melissa, I'm sorry I checked to find my phone so I can call Ezra."

"I knew it.." spencer said looking at the ground "she was acting super shady these past couple of days, did you at least find our

"I found her phone." she said handing it to spencer

"Why are you giving me this for call Ezra!" she said handing the phone back to Aria.

Ezra's POV

We were driving really fast and Caleb was tracking the phones.Toby was sitting nervously in the backseat

"Toby I'm sure they are fine." I told him reassuringly.

"I know I'm just nervous."

"It's fine, we should just keep going."

We were all quiet until my phone started ringing. it was an unknown number and I didn't know what to do.

"Answer the god damn thing"Caleb said whipping it out of my hands

"Hello?" He said

"Ezra we need you to come pick us up please before someone finds us"

"Aria it's Caleb just tell us where you are!"

"Were infront of the restaurant we went to Ezra knows just please hurry"

"Ok were on our way" he said and hung up and we drove as fast as we could

Once we got there Aria looked pissed off And spencer and Emily were holding in laughter as they were comforting Aria. Hanna and Alison were laughing on their own in the corner

"Hey you guys ready to go?" Caleb said rushing over to the girls

"Ya but can we stop by the pharmacy first?" Hanna said

"Ya why?" i asked

"Aria needs tampons" she said as she got into the car.

Aria turned bright red and it was really cute. we all got into the car and the girls told us how Hanna had faked going into labour and how Melissa was A. We were all shocked.

Once we got back from the pharmacy we were on the road for about 30 minutes and everyone had fallen asleep. it felt weird for me because I am responsible of these kids. they are only teenagers. I really hope they stay out of trouble especially the girls cause they could have gotten seriously hurt.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now