Still not over it

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Hanna's POV

I am so embarrassed about yesterday. I totally freaked out because I'm scared of having sex. I'm so pathetic.

I woke up and Caleb was already awake. Maddie was asleep on his chest. I got up to use the bathroom but Caleb pulled me back close to him.

"What time is it?" I asked him

"It 5:40 Han. We can stay in bed don't worry." he said as cuddled up to him. he put Maddie in between us and I was playing with her thin blond hair.

"I'm sorry" I whispered after a while

"Hanna you don't need to be sorry about anything."

"Yes I do. I can't even have sex anymore without freaking out."

"That's not your fault Hanna that's Sean's fault."

I didn't answer him back. I just cuddled up closer to him and Maddie before I had to get ready for school.

"Hanna, breakfast." Caleb yelled from downstairs and I was not in the mood for eating.

I walked downstairs with Maddie and I just fed her instead. I had some orange juice and she had some weird baby cereal.

"Caleb I'm gonna get going now." I said kissing him

"Bye Han. If anything just call me ok?"

"Ya" I replied heading to my car.

I got in and drove to school trying not to think of last night.

Emily's POV

when Hanna got to school she seemed fine. She was laughing and joking around with us, but she seemed uncomfortable.

"Did you guys finish your english projects?" Spencer asked as we were walking into the school.

"Shit!" Hanna exclaimed " I completely forgot.

"This project is worth a lot of marks Han. What happened?"
Aria asked

"I don't know I just forgot." she said looking down

We were walking to English class and Hanna was obviously freaking out. We had to hand in our projects at the door and she didn't have one. We let her walk in last.

Ella's POV

Everyone walked in Handing me their project except for Hanna who stopped at my doorstep

"Hanna your project?" I asked

She shook her head" I don't have it. I'm sorry"

"Hanna see me after class please." I said letting her into the class. i was getting tired of her handing in all her assignments late

Throughout the whole class Hanna was doodling and just doing her own thing. I didn't even bother getting her attention. I was just going to talk to her after class.

The bell rang and Hanna stayed seated. I told the other girls to leave and I stood next to her.

"Why don't you have your assignment Hanna?" I asked her

"Because I forgot. I'm sorry." she said playing with her pencil.

"Hanna I'm sorry but you always forgetting isn't gonna work anymore. I could understand when you were pregnant, but now you have no excuse. if I don't get it by tomorrow I'm failing you." I said raising my voice a little and I saw tears in her eyes.

"Hanna you're eighteen years old. do not cry every time someone yells at you." I said my voice still raised.

"I'm sorry." she said breathing heavier.

"Hanna is there something you aren't telling me?" I asked less angry this time

"No I'm fine."

"No your not Hanna. What's wrong?"

She didn't answer me but her breathing started to get heavier.
I crouched I front of her desk and took her hands.

"Hanna try and breathe slowly." I said looking at her. she tried but it wasn't working.

"What happened Hanna?" I asked her again but I still didn't get an answer

"Do you want me to get the other girls?" I asked and she nodded

I texted Aria to get here with the others and not even a minute later they were all at my door.

I went to open it and they all went rushing over to Hanna and started running her back

"Hanna what happened?" Ali asked genuinely concerned.

"I can't even have sex anymore without thinking of Sean." she said and then she started sobbing.

I regret yelling at her but now I know that we need to get her help. I'm going to talk with her mother later but for now I'm just going to be there for her.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now