A in the dark

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Spencer's POV

I was in shock how could hanna do this to herself.

"Oh my god Hanna come here" I went in to hug her then got her bandages to cover up her cuts

"Hanna why? I just want to know why" my eyes started tearing up

"Spencer I'm so scared."

"Scared of what hanna you need to tell me."

"Sacred of A scared of .."

She cut off in the middle if her sentence and started crying harder than before and I just hugged her. I guess her mom heard her crying and she rushed upstairs

"Oh my god spencer what's wrong" her mom looked terrified. it's very rare Hanna cries like this.

" I-I- I don't know she said that she is having a really bad panic attack" I lied, but maybe it was true

Her mom seemed to believe me and took over with pastor Ted who was in the doorway the whole time.

I was really shaken so I called Emily, Aria, and Alison to come over. a few tears came out because I was scared for her.

Miss Marin came out of the room with Ted and told me to go back in. Hanna was better now and we talked for a while. Until the girls got here.

"Spencer please don't tell them about the cutting."

"I won't but promise me you will stop"

"I will it was a one time thing ok"

I didn't believe her at all I was going to keep a watch on her

Hanna's POV

I really don't feel like talking to anybody right now but I guess I have no choice I went to wash my face and when I got out of the bathroom all four girls were sitting on my bed. I decided to sit in between Aria and Emily

"Hey Han" Ali said I smiled back at her.

Spencer told them about the text and they were concerned that I wished I was dead but they got over it and believed it was a joke, well everyone but spence and Aria did

"Hey Han come with me and get something to drink" Aria said as she practically dragged me out of my room

Once down the stairs she started talking

"Hanna if this has something to do with Sean you would tell me right"

"Mhm" I said knowing if I opened my mouth I would burst out crying

My eyes were already watering I couldn't stand lying to my best friends

"Ok let's get drinks and go upstairs"

We walked into the kitchen and saw a note

Hanna me and Ted went out stay safe -mom

I threw it out and went to open the fridge and the the power shut off I heard someone running then I felt someone grab me and bring me onto the back porch. it was A

I started screaming for Aria but they blocked my mouth with their hand. I started kicking them and trying to hit them but they were chocking me and couldn't breath and I fell to the floor.

Emily's POV

We all got really spooked when the lights went off and the look of terror on Ali's face scared me we all looked at each other at ran downstairs to Aria who was frozen with shock

"Where's hanna" I shook Aria a little

"I-I don't know. what if A got her?"

"Ok guys just look around!" spencer said and we all spread out except for Ali she stayed with Aria.

"I opened the back porch and saw hanna on the floor and I gasped really loud

"You guys" I screamed and tried to wake up Hanna

"Hanna Hanna" we were all yelling until she finally woke up and immediately started crying

Aria went to hug her and we all went back to her room

She was crying for the majority of the time we were there and she told us she didn't remember what happened.

We were all there to support her but at one point we all had to leave. Ali and Aria came with me and I drove them home and spencer stayed with hanna.

Spencer's POV

Hanna laid down in the bed and I could hear she was crying by her sniffles I felt bad and I was terrified in this house.


I was surprised she even said anything

"Yes hanna?"

"Thanks... for everything. you are a really good friend."

I smiled an I don't think I stopped until I fell asleep.

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