Another A

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Aria's POV

I didn't tell the girls or anybody but I got a text from A yesterday. this is what it said.

" I'm back bitch. I targeted hanna and you're next. good luck.

Kisses -A"

I am really worried. what if A knows about shana? I have been trying to keep my guilt to myself with everything that's been happening to hanna I don't know if I can anymore. I'm going to keep this text to myself.

Spencer, Em and Ali were all here before Hanna. They were all talking about what they thought Hanna's baby was going to be. they had their bets on a boy but I had mine on girl.

Finally she came and we all just stared at her waiting for her to tell us.

"Why are you all staring at me?" she said with a giant smile on her face.

"What is it? the baby!" Spencer yelled and hopped onto my couch.

"It's a girl" hanna shrieked and I ran up to hug her

"You guys owe me 5 bucks" I said out loud causing the other girls to laugh.

"So do you have any names in mind." Em said super excited

"I don't know maybe. what do you guys think?"

"I really like Cassidy" Ali said

"No I like Elizabeth" spencer said.

"What about Michelle?" Emily suggested?

"Guys I really don't know!" She said laughing and covering her face.

"What do you think Aria?" she asked me and I remembered a conversation we had way back in middle school. she said she loved the name Madison because she loved the nickname Maddie.

"What about Madison? I suggested and her face lit up

"Madison Rivers. Madison Marin. OMG Aria I love it!"

"Well ok then it's official, you have the perfect boyfriend, the perfect best friends, and you are gonna have the most gorgeous baby."

Emily said and we were all laughing I until I got a text.

I could feel myself going pale as I reached out for my phone. all the girls noticed and were quiet as I read the text.

" Look at you, so scared. If only you could see the look on your face right now. it's only just beginning.

Kisses -A"

"Aria what just happened?"

Spencer asked me

"I - I have to go, uhm Ezra needs me I'll call you later.bye" I said rushing out the door."

Spencer's POV

Ok that was weird! Aria would never leave like that while we are all so happy and having so much fun.

"What's up with her?" Ali said a bit bitchy

"I have no idea." I said and we all just went to my house and carried on a little worried.

It was getting really late now and Aria wasn't answering any of our calls. I was worried because anything can happen to her, she is so tiny.

Aria's POV

When I left I had to clear my head I thought about what I was gonna do for a while before driving to the bar and whipping out my fake I.D.

After many drinks I was totally drunk. The girls kept calling me but I didn't care, but then I realized I had to get home somehow so I called Mike.

When he picked me up he was stunned.

"Aria what the hell!" he told me as I was getting into his car

"Take me to Spencer's ." I slurred

"No Aria I'm taking you home." he insisted

"No please mike mom would kill me if she knew I got drunk."

"Fine but you owe me." he agreed and drove me to Spencer's.

"Thanks babe." I yelled as I got out of the car and stumbled to Spencer's door.

"Knock knock" I yelled as I knocked on Spencer's door.

"Aria?" she looked surprised and she answered the door

"I'm home honey!" I yelled again spencer covering my mouth.

"Where the hell were you" Emily asked concerned.

"Calm down I was at the bar it's no big deal!" I answered plopping onto the couch.

"Why are you drunk?" hanna asked me smiling

"Because I drank. Duh!" I said lying down on Ali's lap

"Woah Aria. you can lie down just don't throw up on me." I started laughing uncontrollably at Ali's comment

"How much did you drink?" spencer said helping me sit up

"I have noooo idea but A lot" I said between giggles

"Did you drive here?" Emily asked still looking concerned

"No my babe Mike dropped me off."

"Oh ok." the girls said laughing.

"Take me to my room" I yelled at spencer in a demanding tone.

"Well ok princess." she said taking my hands.

"Hey spencer were gonna leave. good luck with her" Hanna said as they all left.

Spencer's POV

It was really weird seeing Aria drunk, also really funny. I was bringing her up to my room after the girls left and she tripped on the stairs and hit her knee.

"Fuuuuuuck" she yelled and started crying. this is a side of Aria I've never seen.

"Shut up Aria your gonna wake up the neighbours" I whisper yelled

"Spencer my knee hurts." she whined and I looked down and saw blood.

"Aria get up." I said and pulled a small blade from under her had a note attached.

"Poor little Aria. This is just the beginning. Ready? set? Kill !

Kisses -A"

Aria stay right here while I lock all my doors" I told her

"Aye Aye captain." she answered

It took me a while to close all the windows and doors and by the time I got back to Aria she was asleep.

I woke her up and brought her the rest of the way up the stairs. I covered up her cut hid the letter and stayed in the same bed as her incase anything happened. I would talk to her about this tomorrow morning.

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