the Adults

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Ashley's POV

I thought about it for a long time and I finally decided to call Ezra and Ella. the only other two adults Hanna trusts.

I called them both over to my house and they arrived at the same time.

I told them about what I thought was wrong with Hanna and they both seem to agree.

"I notice that Hanna sometimes doesn't pay attention at all in class and is lost in her own thought and she asks to go to the bathroom a lot. Now that I think of it, maybe it's to cry." Ella said as if she was remembering every single time Hanna could have been crying.

"Ever since I found out Hanna was self harming again, I couldn't help but think that it was about Sean and I tried to bring up the subject but I never found the right time." Ezra said and I was taken back

"Hanna self harms?" Me and Ella said at the same time

"Oh my god you didn't know! Oh I'm sorry I thought you already knew. my bad." He said staring down awkwardly.

"It's ok Ezra but for now all we could do it help her Ella I want you to talk to Hanna at school not only about her grades but also about Sean and don't let her go to the bathroom just so she can cry I want her to pass senior year of high school"

"Ok but how will I know if she actually needs to go to the bathroom or not." Ella asked puzzled

"Just don't let her go at all unless you can tell she has to go." I said and Ezra started laughing

"What's so funny?" Ella asked him

"Nothing it's just don't you think it's a bit cruel not to let her go pee if she has to?" He said still laughing a little

"She's almost 18 I'm sure she can hold it" I told him now laughing myself

"Whatever you say miss Marin"

"Please, call me Ashley. Anyways whenever you have the time Ezra it would be nice if you spoke to her too but right now, you should probably be going. You need to Pick up Malcolm and I have a date." I said getting up and walking them both to the door

"Don't worry Ashley. I'm sure hanna will get better with time." Ella said

"Oh and Ella please make sure she eats." I yelled after her

"I will, I promise." se said getting into her car

When they both left I shut my door and I was just thinking of what life used to be like without having all these problems. Before Hanna was a teenager and before I got divorced. Hanna was so happy and I wish things would stay like that.

All I want is for my baby girl to be happy.

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