hArmful messAges

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Hanna's POV

Driving over to Aria's was literally the scariest drive ever. I kept thinking A was going to pop out of the backseat and kill me or something. Once I got there I felt relieved. I rang her doorbell and her father answered.

"Mr. Montgomery" I said nervously

"Hello Hanna, How are you it's been a long time" he said "come In"

"I'm good." I answered trying not to die of awkwardness if that was even possible.

"Well the girls are upstairs" he said pointing and I couldn't get up those stairs fast enough.

I walked into Aria's room and when the girls saw me it was like they were confused.

"What?" I asked sitting down

"Nothing it's just you look different." Spencer said breaking the silence.

Spencer POV

Holly crap. Hanna doesn't even look like hanna anymore. she is probably 15 pounds skinnier than she was before she was pregnant. I don't know if she realizes but everyone else certainly did.

"So How's Madison?" Aria asks

"Amazing, she's kinda the one thing that makes me truly happy other than Caleb." Hanna said smiling.

"Well do you know when you are coming back to school?" Emily said

"Ya starting next week." she answered back taking a deep breath

"Are you ok with that?" I asked her

"Ya I'm fine I think Caleb is a bit nervous alone with the Madison but he's a good father." she said her smile fading a little.

"Is anybody hungry?" Alison asked after a long silence.

All of us nodded except for Hanna who didn't say anything. I think we were all starting to get an idea of why she was so skinny. we all looked at each other.

"Did you already eat Han?" I asked her.

"I ate at lunch, I'm not really hungry now." she answered

"Well do you want water?" Aria asked her

"Sure." she mumbled and you could practically see the tears in her eyes. we all walked downstairs and left hanna alone.

"Ok what the hell is wrong with her. she knows that she has to eat at some point "I said angrily

"Spencer maybe we should just give her time, maybe she will get over it." Emily said trying to convince me.

"Maybe you're right. it might just be a phase she's going through." I said not convinced. But I didn't want to argue.

Alison and Aria Came out of the kitchen with a bag of Chips and a bag of gummy worms and they brought a water bottle for hanna.

when we got back in the room we saw hanna crying. We all just stood there not knowing what to do until I finally went to see if she was ok

"Hanna can we talk please? we aren't gonna get mad at you, we are your friends I hope you know that." I said softly sitting next to her she didn't say anything she just took my hand.

"When you are ready to tell us you know you can but for now we won't bother you." I said putting my hand on her thigh and when I did, she squeezed my hand really hard. she looked at me as if she was saying she was sorry.

"We will talk later." I said getting up.

For the rest of the time we pretty much ate and gossiped. Hanna seemed pretty normal she was drinking her water and she stared at me occasionally. I'm going to have Toby talk to her though because she seems to listen to him.

Aria's POV

It was getting late and Alison had fallen asleep. I kinda felt bad for her because she didn't get much sleep when she was alone. I decided to let her sleep over. I wasn't going to wake her up.

When all the girls were leaving Hanna got a text and you could see the colour drain out of her face as she read it.

"Hanna is everything ok?" Emily asked.

She shook her head saying no and started to cry again.

"Can I sleep over here? A just said that they are gonna kill me if I leave" she said on the verge of a panic attack.

"Ya no problem" I said hugging her.

"Can you guys spend the night at my house and explain Caleb everything please" she asked Spencer and Emily giving them the keys to her house. they nodded and left.

Alison was still asleep through this, I put them both on my bed and I took the floor and a giant blanket. I didn't really sleep at all and neither did Hanna. she woke up twice with a panic attack and even woke up Alison.

At this point, none of us know what A is capable of or how far A will go to get what he/she/it wants , but it honestly scares the crap out if me and that bitch is ruining our lives.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now