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Spencer's POV

I don't know how long we have been in here but we are all exhausted. No matter how hard we try it's so hard to get a small piece of this stupid carpet cut with these scissors.

"Guys maybe we should just call it a night. I'm cold and I'm hungry and I just want to sleep." Hanna said.

" No I want to get out of here!" Emily whined trying even harder to cut the stupid carpet.

"I'm with Hanna. I'm really tired." Aria said laying down on the floor defeated.

"Does anyone know what time it is?" Ali asked.

Emily, the only one smart enough to wear watch told us that it was 11:50 P.M

Me, Ali and Emily continued cutting while Han and Aria tried to sleepy next to each other.

At 12:00 A.M I heard the small door on the ceiling open and a pair of industrial clippers fell from the top directly onto Hanna's shoulder.

She jumped up and so did Aria. There was blood coming through her white shirt and it looked like she was in a lot of pain.

"Hanna are you ok?" We all asked her

She looked at us and her face was pale.

"I'm gonna be sick." She said looking at her shoulder.

The blade from the clippers had landed point first on her left shoulder and stabbed her pretty deep before falling out.

"Hanna you're ok just sit down." Ali said grabbing her by the arm and helping her to the floor

We all sat around her and fanned her off. I hate that feeling of being in so much pain you want to throw up. I can only imagine how much pain Hanna is in right now.

"Emily continue cutting." Is aid Handing her the clippers full of Hanna's blood.

Emily went to the other side of the room and started cutting. These thugs were already working so much better. She got more done in half an hour than we got done the whole time we were here.

The other Ali and Aria went to help Emily and I stayed with Hanna who was still bleeding a lot.

I took off her shirt that was partially covered in blood and used it as a bandage to wrap her shoulder in. I gave her my jacket and I let her fall asleep. She was shivering and I felt bad but I went to help the other girls and left her alone.

At 6:00 A.M the door opened again and dropped 5 granola bars. We each took one but Hanna didn't eat hers.

"We need to hurry up and get out of here." Hanna said. She looked at us and she looked sick. She was pale and her eyes looked heavy.

"Hanna please just lie down." Aria said walking towards her.

"Maybe there's an easier way to find the door." Alison suggested

"Like what." Em asked

"I don't know I just said maybe."

"No Ali you're right. If there is actually a door somewhere it would make a different sound if you jumped on it compared to the rest of the floor." I said

We all started to jump on the floor, well except for Hanna, and eventually Aria hit a part of the floor that sounded different. We all jumped on her spot and we were sure it was the door.

Emily grabbed the clippers and started cutting. It was pretty far from the wall so it took her a while to get to that point.

"Please hurry up." Hanna moaned

I went to see her and she had gotten worse. She was crying and her lips had gotten blue. She was freezing.

"Hanna were almost at the door." Just wait a little longer." I said hugging her in an attempt to make her warmer. It worked because she stopped shivering. But the shirt I had wrapped around her arm was still wet with blood. She is still bleeding.

"Spencer bring Hanna over here." Ali demanded.

I got her up carefully but I thought she was going to pass out. Emily came and helped me walk her over there. I saw the clippers were covered in rust and I suddenly realized why Hanna is so sick.

When we reached Aria and Ali and saw they had opened the door I got so happy. It was about 6 feet to the bottom. Emily jumped first and she seemed fine, then Aria and Ali jumped then I sent Hanna and I finally went last.

We landed in another room and went out through the front door. We ended up in what looked like and abandoned grave yard.

"We seriously need to get out of her cause I'm going to pee my pants." Aria said nervously

"We all have to pee Aria. Suck it up." I told her laughing as we tried to find an exit.

Eventually we did but all of our cellphones were dead so we couldn't call anyone.

We Walked along a road with a bunch of abandoned shops until we finally found a sketchy motel and a pay phone.

We checked into the motel and then we all called our boyfriends.

I shared a room with Hanna and Ali Em and Aria shared another room.

Hanna was worsening each hour. I made her get in the shower so I could clean her cut. It looked gross and you could see her bone. It's like -A intentionally threw it at Hanna to hurt her. Once she was all ready I got her into bed. Once I got into bed I got a text from -A

"Get Hanna to a hospital if you want her to live.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now