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Toby's POV

Something about the messages we got doesn't feel right. mostly because all the parents and me Caleb and Ezra got the exact same messages.

"Hey, me and the girls needed some time to think and just get away from life, don't worry we will be home in a week, don't call, I love you"

"Do you think A has something to do with this?" I ask

"A definitely has something to do with this are we're gonna find out what, Caleb you know how to track cell phones right?" Ezra said demandingly

"Ya I'll get right on it." he said grabbing his laptop out of his bag and working on whatever.

We were at Ezra's apartment and I didn't know he had a kid until today so it was quite a surprise. he's a nice kid though. he's very smart.

"Hey Malcolm where do you think Aria is?" I asked him as a joke.

"Well she said she was going to a restaurant in Philly when Hanna was here." he said casually playing with his trains.

"Oh my god he is right they are in Philly near a restaurant"

"Malcolm you are a genius but Ezra he can't come with us!" Caleb said realizing we can't bring a seven year old with us.

"I'll figure it out." he said grabbing a bunch of things as we head out the door.

Ezra's POV

I was literally dragging Malcolm down the stairs and dialling Ella's number on my cellphone. She was the only person I could think of

"Hello?" she answered confused

"Hi Ella I know it's probably not the best idea to be asking you this but can you do me a huge favour?" I said expecting a huge no

"Ya okay what is it? Is everything ok?"

I was a bit taken back by her answer and it took me a moment to reply back

"I need you to babysit My son while we go and find Aria and her friends we think she is in a lot of danger"

"That's fine I will what kind of danger?"

"I can talk about this right now we need to hurry. I'll tell you when I see you" I said in a panic and rushed over to Ella's

Ella's POV

I was confused as to why Ezra would want me to watch his child. he has never asked me this before, but I was also very worried how would he know Aria was in danger.

I was letting horrible thought get into my head so I called all the girls parents over to my house and they showed up in less than five minutes.

"Hey Ella how do you know our daughters are in danger?" ashley asked very concerned

"Ezra told me, he's on his way now I'm going to babysit his child" I said a bit embarrassed because he was my daughters boyfriend

"Oh, ok well we can ask Mr. Fitz when he gets here" Pam said worried

We all sat down and talked for five minutes before Ezra, Toby and Caleb showed up.

Ezra's POV

Once we got out of the car we rushed to ella's door and I was knocking frantically before she opened I bent down and whispered to Malcolm

"Not a word about A or the restaurant or anything got it buddy" I made sure I got my point across

"Got it daddy" he said as I knocked on the door again.

Ella finally opened

"Hello Ella this is my son Malcolm, Malcolm this is Aria's Mommy."

"Hello Malcolm nice to meet you, why don't you go into the kitchen and say hi to my friends" she said nicely and he ran inside

"Listen Ella we don't know who the girls are with or why they are there but they went to Philly and we find it suspicious how every single one of us got the same text message, we think they might be with someone dangerous we will update you if we know more I promise." I said assuringly

"Ezra wait is sh.."

"Miss Montgomery we really need to go" Caleb said interrupting her and pulling me away.

"I'll call you soon" I said as I was being dragged away.

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