The truth comes out

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Caleb's POV

I felt Hanna's hand shaking as we were going down the stairs. why was she so nervous? She knows her friends care about her.

"Hey Han" the girls said as they got up.

"Hi" she whispered as she sat down.

"Hanna I want you to know that we are your friends and we will always be here for you no matter what. We won't get mad at you." Emily said

"I know I'm sorry I just don't like talking about what happened and you guys need to understand that too." Hanna said tearing up

" the girls understand that Hanna but keeping it to yourself isn't going to help you it's only going to make it worse" Aria's Mom added.

"I know miss Montgomery and I'm ready to talk I just don't know where to start"

"How about from the beginning babe" I suggested

"Ok fine. uhm my mom let Sean in one night before. She left and he was being surprisingly nice and then it was getting late and I wanted him to leave so I could take my shower. he said he left but uhm he didn't and I got in the shower and uhm he uhm .."

She stopped and completely broke down . I hugged her tightly but she pushed me off screaming and ran upstairs.

"Oh uhm Caleb did I forget to mention that Sean stabbed her in the hip?" Aria pointed out.

"Uh ya a little" I replied sarcastically .

"You guys how about we go upstairs to Hanna it might be better for her" Emily said

"Ok let's go but don't crowd her ok" I said worried .

"Ok "Aria said

Hanna's POV

I'm actually so nervous I'm gonna be sick. it's like that feeling you get right before you need to talk in front of your entire class and you feel like your stomach's gonna explode butterflies, you're gonna throw up, and pee yourself all at the same time.

I was trying to recover from the pain in my hip when everyone came upstairs.

"Hanna where are you?" Ali asked

"I'm in the bathroom, I'll be out in a sec." I shouted. I wiped by tears and walked out.

"Hey hanna let's talk in Aria's room ok." Spencer said taking my hand

"Fine." we all went and sat down somewhere.

"So you were saying something about in the shower." Em said grabbing my hand. I could feel it shaking in hers.

"Ya uhm he grabbed me out of the shower and he uhm..." I stopped I didn't know if I could continue I started to cry again

"Hanna don't worry you are safe here." Spencer said rubbing the leg where I cut myself.she did it on purpose I could tell. I winced a little and continued.

"He pulled me out if the shower..and you know he did some stuff and I tried to stop him but I couldn't. after that I gave up and started crying and then I started screaming again and he ran."

"Oh my god Hanna was that the night I called you and you were crying?" Aria asked starting to put the pieces together.

"Ya" I said

"Ok well the important thing is that you are safe for now and please hanna if anything happens to you again. don't be afraid to tell us" Emily said. "now how about we get some sleep and talk at school tomorrow"

"Ok bye guys" Aria said walking us downstairs.

"Aria can I still stay over?" I asked

"Sure, but I don't know how my mom will feel about Caleb"

"He can stay at my place" Toby offered and everyone left.

me and Aria went to bed shortly after but I didn't fall asleep right away I kept thinking about Caleb , and Ravenswood, and Miranda, and Sean, and my baby and my mom. I kept thinking and thinking until I fell asleep.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now