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Hanna's POV

It has been 2 months since I left the hospital. Today is the day I'm picking out a wedding dress. We're getting married in a couple of weeks and I'm really excited. I have Maddie and all the girls with me including my mother.

We got to the dress store and I was feeling nervous but excited. The consultant came to talk to me and I told her what I wanted.

She took me to the back and we tried on the first dress. I like it but I don't know if I love it. I went to show the girls anyways. They seemed to love it.

" Hanna you look gorgeous." My mom said

" you really think so?"

" yes Hanna." She smiled and I smiled.

I felt my phone biz in my bra so I pulled it out and everyone was laughing.

I read the text.

" I think it makes you look fat. Take it off.

I looked around the store and I was scared. -A could be any one of these strangers.

I looked up and the girls gave me weird looks. They knew exactly who had texted me and probably exactly what they had said.

I felt tears in my eyes but I quickly blinked them back.

"I don't really think it's the one. Maybe we could try some other ones?" I asked

"Sure thing." The lady said.

"Maybe I could help choose a dress." Alison said getting up following us.

"Hanna give me your phone."
She demanded

I looked at her and she looked angry.

"Fine." I said defeated

"This is exactly what -A wants Hanna. You are gorgeous. It is impossible for you to look fat." She whispered in my ear and I couldn't help but smile.

"You're right." I said

Ali helped the consultant pick out a couple of dresses. I tried them on but none of them felt like the one. Maybe because I kept hearing my phone buzz whenever I came out.

"Maybe I should pick a dress." My mother suggested. She went into the back with the consultant as I waited in the dressing room.

They came back with the most gorgeous dress I have ever seen.
I put it on and I really loved it.

I don't think I would care what -A says because I could see how skinny I look in this one because it is so tight.

I walked out of the dressing room and all of the girls loved it. I really loved it to. I heard my phone buzz and I tried so hard to ignore it. Alison smiled at me.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I really loved it.

"Do you want to see how it looks with the veil?" The consultant asked.

I nodded and she went off to get the vail.

"Pretty mommy." Maddie said running closer to me.

I picked her up and kissed her. She knows exactly how to make me feel better all the time. Just looking at her makes me happy.

The lady came back with the veil and I put Maddie down. She put it on me and I loved it. I looked like a bride. I felt pretty. I felt myself tearing up but these were happy tears so I didn't care. My mother came to hug me and I hugged her back.

Once everything was dealt with we left. I went back home to see Caleb and the girls went back to their houses. Ali gave me my phone but she had deleted all the text messages except for one such was fairly recent.

"That last one made you look fat to. Maybe you should stop eating until the wedding come and then you will finally look pretty.


Hey guys! Unfortunately this story is coming to an end. Probably only a few more chapters. 😔

I really hope you guys are liking it so far because I have been having so much fun writing this and it will be hard to let it go. This was the first story I started writing on wattpad.

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-Samantha 💋

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