Almost cAught

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Hanna's POV

Aria is taking this much worse than we thought she would. she was freaking out about how A was right next to her during the night and she didn't notice.

I had enough of A targeting my friends and I wanted to find out who this bitch is and put a stop to it.

I don't know how I was gonna do that but then I thought of Ezra and his weird camera equipment. I'm going to go to his house right now because I hate seeing my friends like this

"Hey Aria, are you up to going to school today or not? because I'm just gonna skip."

"No I'm gonna go my mom is gonna think something is wrong." she said getting up and going through Spencer's closet

"Aria all of that stuff is gonna be to big for you."

"I don't care spencer I just want something to cover up my knees."

Spencer pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and threw them at Aria and she went to get changed.

"Spencer can you cover for me?"

"Ya whatever, where are you going?" she asked me

"It doesn't matter I'll call you later." I told her and yelled goodbye to Aria.

Once I was in my car I started driving to Ezra's. I do feel weird because I feel like I'm invading Aria's privacy somehow. What if she didn't tell him about the A messages. she probably didn't.

I was at Ezra's door now and I was still debating weather or not I should actually do this, but it wasn't only for me it was for Aria also . I knocked on the door and Malcolm answered.

"Hey Malcolm , is your daddy home?" I asked him and Ezra was there shortly after

"Hanna.. is everything ok? he asked me motioning for me to come in.

"Do you still have those cameras from when you were spying on us" I said really quickly.

"Uhm yes why?" he asked puzzled

I took a deep breath before saying this

"Because A is back and is targeting Aria now."

"What why wouldn't Aria tell me this?" He said angrily.

"She was scared Ezra, she wasn't even going to tell us until what happened yesterday I just need the cameras so I can find out who this bitch is." I said getting frustrated

"You said a bad word" Malcolm yelled and started laughing

"Sorry" I whispered and sat on Ezra's couch

"What happened yesterday?" he asked looking concerned

"Aria got super wasted and went over to Spencer's. After we left spencer told me Aria fell on the stairs and hit her knee on a blade with an A note. something about how she's next."

"Ok well I'll give you the cameras but I'm not letting you look for A alone. deal?"

"Ok deal just please don't mention me being here to anyone else.. especially not Aria" I told him

"I won't, be careful Hanna and go to school." he told me

"No!" I smiled and walked out of his apartment. As I was walking out I saw Aria walking upstairs crying and I hid myself.

I was watching her when A grabbed her and pinned her against the wall with a knife to her neck.

"ARIA!" I yelled loud enough for the entire building to hear and Ezra came rushing and he took A and pinned them against the wall.

"It's time to find out who you really are. and when I do you don't even want to know what I'm going to do to you." he said with his hand on A's mask

Aria was still against the wall crying and I rushed down next to ezra.

I saw -A going to put the knife where Ezra got shot and it grabbed it, probably the worst mistake i've ever made in my life. Ezra let go of -A and they got Away. I tried going after them but Ezra stopped me.

"Hanna let it go, I gave you what we need to figure this out now go inside and fix your hand Malcolm knows where the bandages are ask him and ill take care of Aria."he demanded and I walked off.

I really shouldn't be doing this I'm 6 months pregnant. A is such a fucking bitch.

Aria's POV

I can't move anymore I'm so scared. I can feel Ezra try to get my attention but no words are coming out of my mouth. After about a minute he picks me up and starts walking up the stairs

"Ezra?" I ask him barely even whispering

"Aria what is it?" he asked alarmingly.

"Make all of this stop" I said burying my face into his shoulder.

Ezra's POV

I felt like I couldn't do anything. how do I get A to stop? this is actually tearing me apart. my girlfriend and her friends are being harassed my some psycho and I have no power at all. I feel powerless.

Maybe Aria deserves better than me. someone who can actually help her. I can't think like this though. I know I'm the best thing for her right now. she told me that. I put her down on the couch and Malcolm went to hug her while I took care of hanna.

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