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Hanna's POV

I got a message from A this morning.

"All of you think Emily is so innocent. That's cute. Maybe you should check to see who your real friends are.

There was a picture file attached to it and I opened it. I didn't really understand it cause it was in a computer so I showed it to Caleb

"Hanna do you know what this means?" He asked concerned

"This is showing me that the video of you was sent to everyone by Emily." He said and my heart sank.

Why would Emily do something like this. Maybe A is lying. But why would they lie about something like this? 

I got ready for school where I would see Emily. I am so mad at her right now I want to kill her.

I didn't see Emily at all in the morning but I spotted her at lunch with the rest of the girls and made my way to her.

"Em I need to talk to you alone!" I said pulling her away.

"Hanna A sent me a message last night I promise I didn't leak the video of you. I would never do that in a million years." She said crying

I believed her because she was crying and Emily never cries.

"Em calm down! I believe you."
I said hugging her

"Why would A frame you for this?"

"I don't know!" She said hyperventilating.

I was starting to get worried. It looked like she couldn't breathe.

"Emily please calm down." I said sitting her down. She was having a panic attack.

"Hanna I wasn't supposed to tell you that. I was supposed to lie and tell you I did send you the video or A would hurt all of us." She cried

"Em listen to me. We're ok, we're all ok. Now let's get back to the girls and tell them what happened." I said calmly

The girls were surprised to see Emily crying. We explained to them what had happened and they seemed ok but a bit freaked out.

We all went back to class but halfway through the period there was an announcement over the intercom.

"Alison Dilorentis, Emily Fields, Spencer Hastings, Hanna Marin,
And, Aria Montgomery please report to the principals office."

I got up with Ali who was in my class and we met the others in the hallway. We walked to the office and it was empty. Nobody was in there not even the secretary.

Before we knew it people in black hoodies jumped In Back of us and gaged us. I felt the person put a needle in me and then I felt tired. I knew A sedated us but why?

I woke up in an empty room. It was huge. It had thick carpeting and nothing else. It was shaped like a pentagon When I was slightly more awake I saw the girls in each corner of the room.

We were all awake except for Aria. It's probably taking her longer to wake up because she's smaller than us and the sedative isn't out of her system yet.

We all gathered around her and waited. She woke up eventually and she was just as confused as the rest of us.

"Ok what's with A's obsession with locking us in places. It's starting to get really weird." Ali said getting up

We all looked at the low ceiling where the door was. Spencer and Emily tried to reach up and open it but they couldn't do it.

We sat back down defeated and none of of said anything for a while.

The door opened and 5 pairs of scissors dropped followed by a peice of paper.

"Start cutting girls.The carpet isn't going to remove itself.The door underneath is unlocked. Good luck.

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