It's only going to get worse

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Ella's POV

I was getting settled into the classroom when Aria came in practically crying.

"Oh my gosh honey are you ok?"

"Mom Hanna is trying to kill herself" she said panicked

I was frozen for a moment not believing what I was hearing.

"Where is she?"

"In the bathroom, mom please hurry." Aria said on the verge of a panic attack.

We both rushed down the hallway and into the bathroom. I saw hanna in Emily's arms with the knife on the floor. Spencer was hugging Aria and some other girls were trying to help out.

"I need everyone to leave please except for you Emily." I said and waited for everyone to leave

I walked a bit closer and picked up the knife. there was blood on it. I looked around and saw Emily's arm was cut.

"Emily does your arm hurt?"

"No it didn't cut me deep I'm fine please help me get her up." she said looking down at Hanna who was crying

"Did the girls call her mother?" I asked

"That's kinda the whole reason she is crying we got a text from.. somebody and I don't know exactly what it said Aria has her phone." she was breathing really fast.

"Emily, I want you to breath ok. Hanna look at me. Nothing is gonna happen to your mother, now get up and I'll put you in the teachers lounge for now ok?"

She looked at me and she got up. she didn't talk or say anything. she just stared at the knife In my hand.

"Follow me girls." We walked down the hallway to the teachers lounge and people were staring.

I left Emily with Hanna and told the other girls to get their books and come to class. the bell was going to ring any second now.

Emily's POV

I am in complete shock. what the hell just happened. why would Hanna try and kill herself it can't just be because of her mom, she was planning this if she had the knife with her.

"Hanna?" I asked silently but she didn't answer me.

"Hanna what happened? Caleb said as he came through the door.

She still didn't answer.

"Caleb I think she just wants to be left alone now." I told him as he sat down.

"This doesn't make sense. why would she do this Emily ?"

"I don't know Caleb but I have a feeling she isn't telling us everything"


Hanna yelled and the ran out of the teachers lounge a couple of teachers getting up to go after her.

Caleb's POV

I hate to see Hanna like this. I wish I could just take her and hug her and never let go of her. when she ran out if the room Emily started to cry.

"Emily why are you crying?" I said sitting down next to her

"I'm just scared Caleb. I don't want her to hurt herself because of -A. ever since Ali got back it's been getting so much worse. I feel like just curling up into a hole and staying there forever."

"Emily right now crying isn't going to solve anything. you need to show Hanna that everything is okay be strong, now let's go see where Hanna ran off to and I'll take her back to my place."

"Ok, thanks Caleb" she smiled at me

"For what?"

"For being so nice to Hanna"

I smiled " no problem" then we both got up and went to look for Hanna.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now