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Ella's POV

It's has been two weeks since Hanna has been back at school.
She has been eating with me everyday at lunch.( if you can call what she is doing eating) She would barely touch her food. just toss it around in her plate.

I told her what her mother had said to me about keeping a close eye on her and not letting her use the bathroom and she thought it was a joke.

I brought up the subject of Sean while we were together a couple of times but she quickly changed it and wanted nothing to do with it.

"Hanna you need to eat more than that" I said as she was tossing her food around the plate

"I'm not hungry." she said putting her fork down.

"Can you at least drink something" I suggested handing her orange juice

"Fine" she took it from me and was taking small sips.

"Hanna can we talk about Sean." I tried to suggest

"I really rather not." she said playing with her food again.

"Hanna at this point I don't care. It's clearly still bothering you and wether you like it or not we're going to talk about it." I told her and she was taken back

"Miss Montgomery please. I don't want to talk about it"

"Why Hanna?"

"Because it still scares me to talk about it." she said starting to get tears in her eyes

"Look my intention is not to make you cry sweetie. I just want to help you and the only way I could do that is if you talk about it. I know rape isn't something easy to talk about, but if you keep all these feelings to yourself, it's never gonna get easier."

"Ok but I don't feel like talking about it in school because I don't want to cry" she said taking bigger sips of her orange juice.

"Ok well Maybe we can discuss this after school. somewhere more private."

"Ok." she said "but can I stay here till the bell rings? I have your class next." She said finishing her orange juice.

"Sure Hanna." I said going back to my desk.

Hanna's POV

I wonder where we're gonna talk about this later. I really don't want to but I'm gonna take miss Montgomery's advice.

While I was talking to her I hadn't realized that I finished the entire orange juice and I felt kinda bad now.

I can just imagine all the calories in me and I just feel so bad about myself. I kept thinking about this and then the bell rang.

Everyone started rushing in and when Aria sat next to me I felt a little better.

We talked for the majority of the class until the intercom went off

"Good Afternoon Everybody. Today is the one year anniversary of our beloved student Sean Ackard's death. I would like everyone to stand up so we can have a minute of silence"

At that moment I froze. I didn't know what to do and I felt everybody was staring at me.

I slowly stood up after everybody and I could feel my face turning red. I started to remember everything that happened that night and tears started to form in my eyes.

"Thank you everybody and have a nice day."

We all sat down and everybody was still staring at me. I looked at. Aria and then I just ran out of class .

I heard Miss Montgomery trying to stop me but I just kept running.

I ran into the bathroom where I was joined by Spencer,Emily and Aria.

"Hanna please just calm down." Emily said hugging me. I could tell that me being this way is tearing her apart.

"Em I'm trying I'm sorry" I cried into her shoulder

"Hanna don't be sorry we know it's not your fault. we only want you to get better." Spencer added

"How about we go back to class now." Aria suggested.

I washed my face and we all walked back together.

Halfway to class we all got text messages at the same time.

We looked at each other as we all pulled out our phones.

" recognize the voice on the intercom? It wasn't the principal.


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