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Spencer's POV

Hanna had forgot her house keys so I knocked on the door and she wiped away some tears and hid herself behind me so her mom wouldn't see her pants that I dropped water on.

"Hi girls.." her mom asked surprised.

"Hi misses Marin. Hanna wasn't feeling well at school so she asked me to bring her home"

Hanna just looked down.

"Hanna is this true?"

She looked up and her eyes were all red from when she had been crying.

"Yes i threw up."

Hanna's mom got a glimpse of her pants before looking up smirking.

"Well ok why don't you go up to your room then hunny."

Hanna darted up the stairs in hopes nobody would notice her pants. I felt bad because she was so Embarrassed.

"Hey spencer, what really happened because I know when my daughter is lying."

"She isn't lying she actually threw up."

"Really? she didn't by any chance pee her pants?"

I smiled a little at her mom

"Oh no that was just.." I decided it might be a better lie so I told her it was true

"actually yes she did. I felt bad so I drove her home "

" Well thank you spencer" she said then she told pastor Ted she would be right back and she ran up the stairs I followed to listen in on their conversation.

"Hanna sweetie there is nothing to be ashamed of it happens to the best of us."

"Wait what? mom what are you talking about?"

"Spencer told me about your little accident"

"SPENCEER" hanna yelled and I walked into her room trying to contain my laughter

"Yes" I said very casually

She walked up to me

"Why would you tell her that" she said whisper yelling

"She didn't believe our excuse ok but don't worry hanna it happens to the best of us" I said in a mocking voice loud enough for her mom to hear me and she smiled at me.

" Ya hanna now go and take a shower"

"Ok and mom can spencer stay over tonight her parents aren't home and she doesn't feel comfortable alone"

"Ya sure now if you excuse me, I'm on a date"

She left the room and walked downstairs and I waited on hanna's bed while she was in the shower

Hanna's POV

I got in the shower and I was fine for a while but then memories of the other night came flooding into my head and I started to have a panic attack.

I turned off the shower and got my underwear and bra on and then I broke down crying I sat on the floor in a little ball and sat there for a while before I saw a pair of scissors on the counter.

I thought about the consequences of cutting myself but I couldn't stop myself I started cutting my thighs so nobody would notice and then Spencer knocked on the door.

"Hey hanna can I invite Emily and Aria over?"

I couldn't find it in me to even talk right now I tried to answer but I just sobbed really loud and the blood was running down my legs

"Hanna what's wrong open the door ."

I tried to wipe the blood off my thighs but it just kept running down.

I opened the door and just stood there crying with the scissors in my hand

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now